Dark Angels, White Scars and the Emperors Children all set for their markings in the days of the Horus Heresy with new massive transfer sheets. Of course they can be used for your 40k armies as well as the Horus Heresy, so lets see the new sheets. …
Dark Angels, White Scars and the Emperors Children all set for their markings in the days of the Horus Heresy with new massive transfer sheets. Of course they can be used for your 40k armies as well as the Horus Heresy, so lets see the new sheets. …
The new Sisters of Battle FAQ and Errata are live now! …
The new upcoming Wrath of the Everchosen book has new rules for Be'lakor in the Age of Sigmar. The book goes up for pre-orders tomorrow but the miniature is available now! Yea, its one of my own (very old) favorite miniatures in my arsenal. Would definitely like to pull him back out. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com Note: We are low on submissions. Great to submit your work. I finished up my version of gotrek. He is full nmm and magnetized so u can swap his base. I'll be taking him on the showbase to a few com…
New Beastgrave Miniatures coming; The Wurmspat warband. …
Going on right now from Footsore Games, Mortal Gods: Mythic Kickstarter is live and about half way through with 17 days to go. …
The Nuremberg Toy Fair has some reveals for us today for Aeronautica Imperialis, Necromunda, and Adeptus Titanicus. …
Archaon and Nagash clash in the latest volume of the Soul Wars. …
These seem somehow familiar, but take a look at the Ossiarch Bonereapers first look at Siege Warfare! …
OK, not really..... but instead getting the game of 40k to a new generation through the Scouts! (formally called Boy Scouts). …
Time for some Beastgrave. Who is the Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers? Lets check them out. …
The Warhammer Community has a new preview up for the Wrath of the Everchosen. The book will be up for Pre-Orders up this weekend! …
Looking further to see who will be in there, so far we know only Tau and Genestealer Cults. Lets see what the Warhammer Community is telling us this morning. …
Psychic Awakening- The Greater Good is coming soon, but are Death Guard really a part of it as some are saying? …
There is a new Rumour Engine teaser image up today. With so much going on with the games right now do you have any ideas on this one?…
The books are finally in hand. These are samples from the printer for final approval before we start their journey around the world to everyone that jumped in on the Kickstarter and pre-ordered through Backerkit. These books are beautiful and really in awe just how well they came out. Check them ou…
Rich Griffith is getting and painting up some miniatures as well as running the London Marathon to help donate money to the Alzheimer's Society. Alzheimers research is a worthwhile cause that affects many families worldwide, including my own many years ago. So Rich asked if I would post up here. I …
The background for this new faction, the Lumineth Realm-Lords sounds intriguing. Especially when related to Slaanesh. Take a look at what they have going on here with this new faction! …
A new short story that is interesting in the seeing just how close Imperial creed is compared to that of the Tau's "Greater Good". …
The week is starting off strong as we have a jump on the pricing for this week's pre-orders. …
Pre-Orders for next weekend! Beastgrave and Wrath of the Everchosen. …
This video teaser is from Warhammer TV this morning. "Propaganda transmission incoming! Prepare to battle for hearts and minds in the next chapter of the Psychic Awakening saga" …
There is quite a bit here to see (especially on the Necromunda side of things for myself). Palantine Subjugators and Corpse Grinder miniatures plus some excellent terrain sets! …
The Forgeworld books have run their course? well they apparently have and new books are being worked on to replace the rule sets you have. Here is the official announcement. …
Angels of Death? This looks amazing. Definitely be looking for more details of this! …
Starting with Warhammer 40,000 the reveals are big tonight with Adeptus Mechanicus leading the charge!!!!! Just awesome. …
Whoa, Some nice looking Aelve miniatures in this batch. …
Tau are coming in the next Psychic Awakening book and now we have this. Looks like this all matches up. …
Looks like some leaks coming through for the Age of Sigmar! Nice, the Sons of Behemat look interesting. …
The Furians are getting a new Shaman miniature- Xar-Kahli Wrath Caster, Furian Shaman. …
Necromunda miniatures are coming to pre-order this coming weekend, and these guys are awesome with their shields and their arsenal of weapon options. Here is the latest on the Palanite Subjugators. …
Posted up on Warhammer 40,000 Facebook and the Age of Sigmar Facebook. While looking around yesterday I missed the animation sections of this. Check out this animated Space Marine, part of our new Warhammer ident! The creation of the Warhammer ident has been a fascinating project to study, and the…
The Ossiarch Bonereapers are coming to Warcry! via Age of Sigmar Facebook The Ossiarch Bonereapers will be landing in Warcry soon – and they're bringing some nifty abilities with them! …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com Green skin and goblin noses are always fun to do. Super model, never seen such a detailed face on any model of that scale. …
*REDACTED* : When's the rest of the Sisters of Battle stuff? GW Response: Hi *REDACTED* This is all of the information on upcoming new releases so far. As soon as we get more information, we'll keep you updated! …
The new releases for Necromunda will bring back the classic look for the game going verticle. Although quite a bit more expensive, its an awesome way to build these games. …
Psychic Awakening: Oppressor's End is available now to be downloaded. A new piece of fiction for us. Across the galaxy, hidden cults lurk in the darkness, awaiting their chance to rise up and overthrow their oppressors. On the Eastern Fringe, there are other forces facing the servants of the Star C…
Here are the prices for this week. Again as I get them I will update with different currencies. Whoa that forest was on my order list upon first seeing it...... but too much for whats in it. Ill look at some Necromunda things instead though. …
Here is a look at some of the Cult Rules found in the corners of the web. …
NOCF is stepping up to help send aid to the Australian bushfires and as tabletop gamers we have an amazing community that is on the forefront of charitable organizations in our hobby. Teamed up with Roman Lappat of Massive Voodoo to make a difference. This is a raffle that you can take part of worl…
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com-This is a retro look back at past works- Lots of amazing things have been shown in the past, and its fun to look back at them. …
There are 4 new miniatures coming to the Middle Earth Strategy Game alongside a Matched play/Tournament book for the game! Here is the latest. With new missions and tournament ready, this looks like its the way to go! …
What's new coming for Necromunda? The Palanite Subjugators and the Corpse Grinder Cult are two great looking gangs along with some expanded Zone Mortalis Terrain sets. There are some changes coming to the site soon, which will focus more specifically upon the games talked about making it easier to…
Next week there is a lot coming from Games Workshop for Warcry, Necromunda, and the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. Lets take a look at what;s new for Warcry. There are some changes coming to the site soon, which will focus more specifically upon the games talked about making it easier to focus …
Here is the latest releases unboxed by our friends over on Sprues and Brews!…
Here is the latest set of pre-orders...... Sisters of Battle and the new Psychic Awakening Ritual of the Damned! …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com Just finished my X-01 power armor and Dogmeat for Fallout:Wasteland Warfare. …
Pre-orders for tomorrow. That Arco-Flagellent boxset looks promising with lots of bits? Would love to see the sprue on this one. …