Some tips form the Specialists Games Team on Adeptus Titanicus.
via the Warhammer Community
Adeptus Titanicus is a very different game from Warhammer 40,000 or Warhammer Age of Sigmar. With a different scale of miniatures, an all-new rules system and the deep, rich history of the Horus Heresy behind it, there’s a lot to consider – so with the help of the Specialist Games team, we’ve put together some tips to help you get started easily with the new game.

It may seem obvious, but the best place to start is with the Adeptus Titanicus Rules Set (which is also included in the Grand Master Edition). As well as the rulebook, this hefty set contains six Titan Command Terminals – two for each of the three Titan types – plus two Terminals for Knights. You’ll also find dice, templates, a host of weapon cards, Stratagems and mission objectives, along with a plastic sprue of Battlefield Assets and enough Command Terminal markers to run up to ten Titans in a single game!
If you and a friend are planning to collect Adeptus Titanicus, we’d suggest picking up a Grand Master Edition plus the Rules Set. Split the models, and you’ll each have a complete set of rules content, plus a Warlord and unit of Questoris Knights – a great start and enough to get playing smaller games.

The foundation of any Adeptus Titanicus battlegroup for Narrative and Matched Play is the maniple. A maniple consists of between 3 and 5 Titans of various kinds – different types of maniple include different Titans. For example, the Axiom Battleline Maniple has one of each Titan type – Warlord, Reaver and Warhound – as compulsory components, with the option to add another Reaver and another Warhound.
Each different maniple has an additional benefit – for the Axiom, it allows orders to continue to be issued even if one Titan fails a Command check, while the Venator Light Maniple allows a Reaver Titan to make additional attacks when a Warhound from the maniple collapses an enemy’s void shields.

Not only does a maniple give you the core of a force for narrative and matched play, your choice of maniple will also dictate the way your battlegroup plays, and may even give you some ideas for which Titan Legion from the Horus Heresy background you want to paint your models as.

Once you have selected a maniple, you can add supporting banners of Questoris Knights. Even a single box of Knights – which contains three models with a variety of weapons – is enough to get started and there are no limits (besides your available points) to how many Knights you can have fighting alongside your Titans.
At first glance, Knights may seem an unconventional choice – these noble figures dominate the battlefields of the 41st Millennium, but even they may seem outmatched in a long-range firefight with a Warlord Titan. But a cunning Princeps will be able to use banners of Knights as mobile harassers, manoeuvring inside void shields and hitting vulnerable rear armour, forcing your foes to split their attention – an unattended Knight can do some serious damage.

Extra Titans can also be added to support your maniple. Say you chose a Myrmidon Battleline Maniple, made up of Warlords and Reavers – it’s worth adding a supporting Warhound or two for some speedy firepower and their ability to secure objectives.
Additional Titans are also a great way to start building up a larger force that will allow you to choose from different maniples for your games – or even to field multiple maniples side by side in truly massive clashes.

Adeptus Titanicus draws on the rich history of the Horus Heresy, which gives you masses of Titan Legions to choose from when painting your models. Before you get started, check out the wealth of colour schemes and iconography available – or, of course, you can make up your own.
The background is also great for narrative play. The rulebook contains six narrative missions set in war zones across the Age of Darkness, and both Black Library’s Horus Heresy range and the narrative from Forge World’s campaign books are full of great hooks that will help you to come up with more – perhaps you’ll be inspired by the Warhounds of Legio Audax in Betrayer or the last stand of Legio Tempestus in Mechanicum.
These tips should help you get started with Adeptus Titanicus – and it’s not long now until you can, as the game goes on pre-order in just two days.