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This is the first question of the year for 2012. Which codex is next, especially when we are looking conflicting rumors between Black Templar and Tau. Many sources are even not sure which one is next, often indicating that we might be looking at a White Dwarf codex for the Black Templar.

Here is the latest on the subject where Harry takes on several questions and comments about what he knows.

Please remember that these are rumors and are to be taken with an adequate amount of salt.

via Harry
Well it is only a small thing but it is quite a big thing if it is accurate. I say 'If' as I heard it quite a long time ago (well over a year ago and I am a bit fuzzy on the details) But I think I picked up that Jes was working on Black Templars possibly with Juan Diaz or Seb Perbet

comments by ghost21
Remember Harry gets info of stuff much later in the process than i do, he could be right (im stil annoyed about sisters of battle who will now sit done for at least 18 months if not longer)

theres bt, ig, and i think tyranid stuff done, and sw, if they plan on releasing no armies for 40k until 6th ed i can see it unfortunatley

I hear scraps at different stages ... I try not to get too far ahead.

What happened with Sisters of Battle.

I heard about them .... well, years ago and they were right there with Grey Knights an Necrons .... how did they end up as a WD release? and Why sit on them till 2013/14?

I can confirm there is stuff done for BT, IG, Nids and SW and have also heard about stuff for Sisters of Battle, DA, Chaos, Eldar, Dark Eldar and Tau. (so that is just about all of them isn't it?) What is less clear is when they plan to release it all.

Models sitting around finished does not mean they are going to get released any time soon.

But then I don't devote much time to trying to keep it straight the way I do with Fantasy.

comments by Athenys
Ok you two, so if I understand you somewhat correctly, then it "might" look like this:

The next CODEX is either Tau or Black Templar (tendency towards Tau), but before that there will be (model) releases for up to 5 different 40k armies.

"Logically", that comes down to:
- The "last" Dark Eldar wave

- Imperial Guard (Hydras and Veterans)

- Necron second wave

- Tyranids (as they need a ton of stuff since their release)

- Eldar (has Harry mentioned it)

As the Codex Tau is rumored to be before the 6th edition (which it self comes around July/August), that gives us a 3-6 month window for those releases....

Could you please confirm/deny the accuracy of this "summary"?

I heard that Chaos was the first 6th edition Codex but I am not sure if it comes just before or just after.

(Or even if that is accurate)

Originally I did have Tau down for the first half of the year based one when I first heard about them (Well over a year ago now) but it always had a ? against it as I had not heard anything concrete since and then I got the impression at GD there was still some work to do on the models .... so given lead times March/April was doable but the earliest possible date and never seemed very likely.

All I have to go on is the order I hear about things ... I never get a schedule or hear release dates.

So going back quite a way the order I heard about things was:

Tyranids, Blood Angels, Grey Knights, Sisters of Battle, Necrons, More Nids, Black Templar, Tau, Chaos, More Eldar, More Space Wolves, More Dark Angels.

Dark Eldar got thrown in to the mix as they were a back burner project and I couldn't work out for a while whether they were coming before or after Grey Knights ... but eventually got that sorted.... along with two scheduled waves.

So whilst it is unlikely the order will be exactly the same and it is unclear which will be full army releases and which just more models .... (although you can take a pretty good guess) This is kind of the order I expect to see some stuff for these armies.

I had Tau and BT down before Chaos because I heard about models for them before I heard about anything for Chaos BUT just because a project starts before does not mean it will automatically finish before.

comments by shinankoku
I just talked to our local, independent games store owner. He *claimed* that his GW contact *claimed* that Tau was being discontinued. I kind of didn't believe it, and after reading this thread I *really* don't believe it. I just thought I'd mention it as this was the Tau rumor thread and, well, that was a rumor. I *assume* nobody's heard anything similar.

This is obviously not correct as the the studio has been working on Tau for over 18 months.

I am sure Tau are coming in next year ... just think they are a good bit later than Q1/2 as seems to be widely thought.

Again ... I could be completely wrong about this.
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