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What a change up. Last nights discovery of the picture on the spine of the last two White Dwarf's has turned the rumor mill on its head. With that lets jump right into the latest.

Presence of Faeit is my weekly editorial. I generally report during the week what is going on, and today is my day to comment on what exactly it is that I am thinking of.

2012 Release Schedule (its getting crazy in here)
According to TastyTaste our schedule looks like this

April-May: Dark Angels/Fallen
June-Aug: 6th Ed
Oct-Nov: Chaos Space Marines

Before it looked like crammed like this...
Black Templar Feb/March
Tau  April/May
6th Edition July
Chaos Legions Somewhat after the 6th edition release
Eldar Q4

Now, the second schedule looks a little crazy, and hard to believe. Everything was pointing to this with Tau and Black Templar. Something doesn't make sense in this scenario, its just too tight. So someone brought up Black Templar going to a White Dwarf Release, this could make this possible, however even when Sister's was released, it was not back to back with another codex release.

I think this is getting a little crazy. I have not even seen any sets of rumors regarding a codex (Dark Angels) that is supposed to come out in a few months? I find that a little hard to believe. There are some good sources that have been saying everything from "Tau are a lot farther out than people think", to "they are Next". This is turning out to be a crazy year for 40k.

The one thing we really do know, is that 6th edition Is coming. What about that leak?

6th Edition Leak
OK, Beasts of War came out and has claimed that this is real, but not. Personally I find this a little inane. Its like someone woke up one morning and said, "we can claim both and get away with it, and be right no matter what happens."

The more information that is coming out, especially with rumors this morning, has really turned my opinion of whether or not the leak is real. AbusePuppy had a post on 3++ about why he thought it was a fake, and tbh, that was about my turning point and I've been sliding down the rabit hole ever since.

I want to believe, I would love to believe, but Santa and his elves are not responsible for the the next codex or 6th edition.

The Secret Pic on White Dwarf
This is cool GW. Very cool. It is creative, and gives us hints as to what is coming. A huge two thumbs up to whoever at GW came up with this idea. They deserve a bonus, not just a pat on the back. More things like this is what we want, and perhaps we can get away from some of the crazy conflicts in rumors that is now going on.

Note to Games Workshop
Please let us know his or her name that came up with this idea, even if it came from the mail room. No matter who it turns out to be, credit needs to be given.

My Tournament List ( and moving forward)
Well, if you did not see what it was, it is here.....

It did extremely well last weekend, so well that I figured I needed to play it again to see how well it would hold up vs a friend of mine's army that is loaded to the hilt with plasma. I figured this might just be the bane of my army. He fields a pretty tough Chaos list, one unit of which carries 8 combi plasmas. The two possessed Vindicators might also be an issue.

Regardless, the list performed extremely well. Perhaps it fits into my play style, because on paper I do not like how this list looks or feels. On the table though, it has been devastating. Mordrak and his Ghost Knights have been more than durable, and able to hold up with surprising results.

So, I have decided to try and take the list further to see where it leads. Changes and alterations following the theme of the list to see if I can make it more competitive. While I have already worked up a list, I am not going to reveal it yet, as I want to get a couple games in with some of the changes, and possibly play with some other new ideas.

The idea has been, how to support Mordrak better. Interceptors? Dreadknights with personal Teleporters?

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