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This is the list I fielded over the weekend, during the 2500pts tournament down at Knightfall games. Normally I do not like to post the current list that I am fielding. This list is different, simply because I do not care for it. It was the Mordrak and ghost knights that I felt would not hold their weight, or make their points. I was hoping that tactically it would make up for it.

So please do not take this list as a sure thing, just because its on the Internet and did well in one tournament. Luck is always a factor in a tournament setting. Also a list does not make the player.

That aside. Here is the list.

Castellan Crowe
1 Castellan Crowe @ 150 pts ((C:GK, pg. 42); Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Psyk-out Grenades; Artificer Armour; Iron Halo; Storm Bolter; The Blade of Antwyr; * The Perfect Warrior; Fearless; Master Swordsman; Preferred Enemy (Daemons); Psyker (Mastery Level 1); The Aegis; Titan's Herald; Cleansing Flame; Hammerhand; Heroic Sacrifice)

Grand Master Mordrak and 5 Ghost Knights
1 Grand Master Mordrak @ 400 pts ((C:GK, pg. 40); Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Psyk-out Grenades; Iron Halo; Terminator Armour; Master-crafted Nemesis Daemonhammer; Storm Bolter; And They Shall Know No Fear; First to the Fray; Ghostly Bodyguard; Grand Strategy; Preferred Enemy (Daemons); Psyker (Mastery Level 1); The Aegis; Hammerhand; Psychic Communion)
4 Ghost Knights ((C:GK, pg. 40); Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Psyk-out Grenades; Terminator Armour; Storm Bolter; Nemesis Force Halberd; And They Shall Know No Fear; Brotherhood of Psykers; Preferred Enemy (Daemons); The Aegis)
1 Ghost Knight ((C:GK, pg. 40); Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Psyk-out Grenades; Terminator Armour; Storm Bolter; Nemesis Daemonhammer; And They Shall Know No Fear; Brotherhood of Psykers; Preferred Enemy (Daemons); The Aegis)

1 Venerable Dreadnought
1 Venerable Dreadnought @ 205 pts ((C:GK, pg. 35); Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker); Smoke Launchers; Psybolt Ammunition; Psyflame Ammunition; Nemesis Doomfist with Heavy Flamer; Heavy Flamer; Assault Cannon; Preferred Enemy (Daemons); Psychic Pilot; Reinforced Aegis; The Aegis; Venerable; Fortitude)

4 Purifier Squads
1 Purifier Squad @ 335 pts ((C:GK, pg. 31); Unit Type: Infantry; Brotherhood of Psykers; Combat Squads; Fearless; Preferred Enemy (Daemons); The Aegis; Rhino; Cleansing Flame; Hammerhand)
1 Knight of the Flame (Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Psyk-out Grenades; Power Armour; Storm Bolter; Nemesis Force Halberd)
4 Purifier (Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Psyk-out Grenades; Power Armour; Psycannon)
4 Purifier (Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Psyk-out Grenades; Power Armour; Storm Bolter; Nemesis Force Halberd)
1 Purifier (Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Psyk-out Grenades; Power Armour; Storm Bolter; Nemesis Daemonhammer)
1 Rhino ((C:GK, pg. 33); Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Transport Capacity: 10 models; Access Points: 3; Fire Points: 1 (2 models); Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter; Psychic Pilot; Repair; The Aegis; Fortitude)

3 Dreadnoughts
1 Dreadnought @ 135 pts ((C:GK, pg. 35); Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker); Smoke Launchers; Psybolt Ammunition; Twin-Linked Autocannon; Twin-Linked Autocannon; Preferred Enemy (Daemons); Psychic Pilot; Reinforced Aegis; The Aegis; Fortitude)

Total Roster Cost: 2500

Not once did I combat squad my purifiers. Mordraks was taken, because I wanted access to grand strategy, and in reality he only costs 25pts more than a standard Grand Master and gets 1 extra wound and a master crafted daemonhammer. Of course his ability to spawn ghost knights, and deep strike round one.

His whole job was to deep strike forward onto the board, find cover.... ghost knights have stealth, and see if they survive long enough to assault anyone.

Meanwhile the rest of my army moves forward into range. I primarily wanted grand strategy for flexibility of tactics, mostly for scout and re-rolling ones to wound.

Why 5 ghost knights? They cost the same as my venerable dread, which I had two in the list. I simply removed one after deciding on Mordrak, and added them in. I figured they would be harder to kill than a venerable dread if I could get them into cover.
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