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Today is all about small little bits of information. While something a little bigger would be nice, this is all that is new at the moment.

The first bit is a nice little upgrade for Eldar Starcannons, while the second is interesting in that 2000pts would seem to be the standard game level for 6th edition with 2500pts games, becoming something much more interesting (my favorite point level).

These are rumors, please take with the standard dose of salt.

via SantaSanta
This is from a reliable source:
Starcannons are Strength 7, AP2, Assault 2 now.

via shaso_iceborn
I have heard more from my source about the percentage thing, apparently like fantasy you get so much per points level, so example (though just example not exact) you get 1+ hq, 2+ troops, 0-1 heavy, 0-1 fast, and 0-1 elite for the first 1000pnts with 1 being added to each for every slot for each additional 500 points.
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