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Lelith Hesperax, the champion of the gladatorial arenas of Commorragh makes a sneak appearance in the new Legion of the Damned codex that was released this last weekend. The exciting part of it is that she comes with an very cool new rule in the mission she appears in.

Lelith Hesperax comes with a 3+ invul save in close combat (4+ elsewhere), and starts off with 4 base attacks. The total of the difference between her weapons skill and that of the enemy models she is in base with, gives her additional attacks. Her weapon skill is 9, so you can see how that will add up quickly.

The biggest beef with her has been that even with all those attacks she still comes with a S3, and requires a roll of a 4 often at best 5 against marines to wound. Even though her attacks ignore armour saves, this has been the primary bane of her reaching the tabletop.

She actually comes with two new rules Baleful Poison and Lelith's Slavers, both of which are specific to the mission. Baleful Poison gives her attacks a poisoned 2+ special rule to wound, while Lilith's Slavers gives Outflank, Acute Senses, and automatically brings her in from reserves automatically on round 2.

So while this does not give her these abilities outside this mission, it is refreshing that there is some thought behind her and possibly some work being done on the Dark Eldar. Rumors had pointed to a possible codex sometime towards the end of this year, or early next.
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