The December releases are here from The Makers Cult. There is quite a bit in this wave and some mock-ups of the next two waves we will see later in the month. The Makers Cult December releases…
40k: Shadow Throne Preview: Sisters of Silence
The Sisters of Silence are a great looking set of miniatures and they will be featured in the new upcoming Adeptus Custodes book. …
December’s Miniature of the Month, a Neophyte Hybrid
December’s Miniature of the Month, a Neophyte Hybrid and collectable coin are revealed today. …
This Week's Rumor Engine Teaser- Head on Fire?
The Rumour Engine is at it again with it's weekly output. In this case it looks like something is on fire? Someone's head is my guess.…
What's On Your Table: Munitorum Crates
Submit to by sending in up What's On Your Table to 8 images of what you are working on in your miniature wargaming hobby. Send them to natfka@live.comI have wanted 40k munitorum crates for a while, but I usually choose models over terrain when purchasing items. Most of the terrain I play on is hom…
Lord of the Print December Teaser
Cool looking demon. Look forward to seeing the rest of the release.…
Frostburn Horrors December Release
A preview from Archvillain Games takes into the depths of winter with the Frostburn Horrors.…
Preview: Adpetus Custodes Codex Battle Stances
The Shadow Throne boxset is coming soon and shortly behind it will be the Adeptus Custodes Codex.…
Dragon Peak Barbarians

The Artisan Guild has a new Barbarian set coming for their December Patreons. It will be here as always on the first couple days of the month.…
Talk Wargaming's Cyber Monday Miniatures Wargaming Deals!
Check out our deals newsletter coming out on Cyber Monday packed with additional wargaming deals. Sign up for our hobby weekly deals newsletter here: to receive the deals!…
December is Right Around the Corner- NOCF Fall Raffles
The NOCF Fall raffles are well underway and there are some very cool raffles to get in on this time around. Tickets for the raffles are available now where you can win an Eldar Titan, a massive Stormcast Eternal Army, or some extremely well painted the Akhelian Raiders. Check out these raffles.http…
New Battleforce Boxsets Coming Next Week
New Battleforce boxsets are coming next week. Check out what you will be looking for Christmas boxset deals.…
Land of the Frost Release Video
Heroes Infinite has an awesome release coming in December... just a few days away. The Land of the Frost takes in you into the winter with an excellent set of miniatures to be printing with. One of the best things about it is that with an Overlord set you also get terrain! Literally an entire army f…
Rumors: Age of Sigmar Releases through 2022
This was from our friends over on MiniWars. When looking this far ahead through remember that the line ups are in flux right now due to many factors. Releases are being pushed around a little.…
MyMiniFactory Black Friday List of 244 Deals Up to 50%
Some Massive Deals here on Myminifactory from many different creators to pick up past releases for your 3D Printing!!!! are 244 creators listed here including many of the big boys in 3d Printing. Make certain you check it out and if you…
Corvus Games Terrain New Release
Creature Casters New Release and Black Friday
Creature Caster is at it again with a new release " Engines of Destruction" alongside their Black Friday Bundle deals. Always worth taking a look at these, and they do sell out. So get on them. (Ive missed what I wanted to get from them.)…
Raging Heroes and Heroes Infinite Massive Sales
Black Friday always means great deals from Raging Heroes and don't forget that you now have their 3d Printing service that is an amazing service to get 3d stls of great miniatures you can get printing with.Also many of their 3D Printing STLs are also now available on their site to order as new rele…
Updated Printers Corner- A List of November Releases
11.04.2021 This is this month's releases which I will be adding onto as they get released. I start with the ones I use the most but because I watch so many, many othersothers are included in this list. …
Black Friday for the Old World
If you havent gotten through the Black Friday sales yet, I have a few that are going! Lets take a look at some of them. Posts to follow that you don't want to miss.…
Forgeworld Preorders are Live
Quite a list from Forgeworld this morning on preorders. Check new Necromunda and Adeptus Titanicus releases.…
Rumors: Old World Compendiums Info Part 2
A follow up that came later to give us some more insight into the Old World regarding Army Compendiums.…
What's On Your Table: Bladeguard Veterans
Submit to by sending in up What's On Your Table to 8 images of what you are working on in your miniature wargaming hobby. Send them to natfka@live.comI’ve finally had a chance to expand my Bladeguard Veterans up to a 5-man squad.As always you can see all of my work on Instagram @guido_hockmann…
Rumors: Compendium Books for the Old World Part 1
The Old World will be starting with 3 compendium books to get you going into the game most likely coming with additional Army Books later on for specific armies.…
40k Troops Getting Better
A quick reveal today on some upcoming boons for troops for the Tau, Genestealer Cults, and Adeptus Custodes.…
Happy Thanksgiving from Faeit 212
Ive been down sick the last couple days, but I wanted to make certain that I wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving no matter where you are. Hope you get the chance to spend some time with family.And.... just because I always every year share the same picture of time immortals sweetheart with a blunde…
Dragon Sprues and Details: Krondys, Son of Dracothion, Karazai the Scarred
Take a look at the sprues to see what you will be getting for your dragons.…
Warhammer World and GW Headquarters Closed for Now- Water Main Broke

Just in case you are planning to visit the Games Workshop headquarters in Nottingham.......GW's official response:"We have had a burst water main on the corner of Willow Road and Lenton Lane and the council have completely closed Willow Road which allows no access.""We apologise for any inconvenien…
Rumour Engine This Week
What's On Your Table: Deathguard
Submit to by sending in up What's On Your Table to 8 images of what you are working on in your miniature wargaming hobby. Send them to natfka@live.comWith most of my tournament preps done, i went back to working on a batch of deathguard. The contemptor was actually a Ravenguard variant so a bunch…
It's Dragon Week
What are the Dragons going to Cost?
This was sent into me and got a little lost in the mix. Here it is though and a huge thanks for sending this in. …
What's On Your Table: Latest additions to my battle sisters army
Submit to by sending in up What's On Your Table to 8 images of what you are working on in your miniature wargaming hobby. Send them to These are the latest additions to my battle sisters army. The sacrosancts kit has a complete set of alternative weapons and heads so I built a …
Talk Wargaming Black Friday Deals Guide! Don't Miss It!
At Talk Wargaming we decided to help spread the word of all the discounts 3D creators are giving for their STLs, by creating a curated list. The discounts are awesome so don't miss out! …
Big Release Week Incoming- Lots of new Preorders
As big preorder week coming with quite a few of Games Workshop's games getting a release of some sort. The big ones are Necromunda and the Age of Sigmar. …
What's On Your Table: The Wall
Submit to by sending in up What's On Your Table to 8 images of what you are working on in your miniature wargaming hobby. Send them to natfka@live.comI had a lot of polystyrene left over from a DIY job so decided to put it to good use lolMeant to be a back drop or a fun bit of terrain for a big g…
Two Very Cool Battle Reports
Two cool reports out this week against other content creators. Great lead into the weekend.…
Van Saar Releases are Up Now from Forgeworld
Here are some Forgeworld releases that will peak your interest for Necromunda.…
What's On Your Table: Kitbashing
Submit to by sending in up What's On Your Table to 8 images of what you are working on in your miniature wargaming hobby. Send them to natfka@live.comBeen having some fun kit bashing some marines with a little help from my 3d printer, hope you enjoy.…
40k Battleforces for the Holiday Season
Battleforces are here for the upcoming Christmas season. Scroll down for the AoS boxes as well. …
What's On Your Table: Time for Some Terrain
Submit to by sending in up What's On Your Table to 8 images of what you are working on in your miniature wargaming hobby. Send them to natfka@live.comA slight break from mini’s to do terrain, terrain terrain.…
Tempestfall Launch Trailer Released

Tempestfall is available now on SteamWarhammer Age of Sigmar: Tempestfall is now out on PCVR! Jump into the dreadful world full of undead forces and dark secrets. Possess Lord-Arcanum's mighty powers, fight your way through the Realm of Death and deliver justice in the name of Sigmar in this epic ad…
40k Rumors: Eldar Release Info and Rules
This is interesting, especially the timeline. We are likely to see this release early next year which does place it into some conflicts with the Adeptus Custodes/Genestealer releases. However with delays in shipping etc its very likely the dates on the Eldar are moving back a little with the codexes…
Shadow Throne: Custodes and Genestealer Release Time
In an article from WarCom about Genestealer Cults infiltrating Terra there is a little snippet at the end, shown above, on the release timeframe for our big next 40k boxset and codexes.…
This Week's Rumour Engine Teaser
What's On Your Table: Scaled Up Terminators
Submit to by sending in up What's On Your Table to 8 images of what you are working on in your miniature wargaming hobby. Send them to natfka@live.comScaled up terminators. …