So The Genesys Project has successfully launched and delivered on its first Kickstarter. A few hickups with shipping during this time of a pandemic slowed the delivery considerably and provided more than enough shipping headaches in various parts of the world. However, that behind us its time to do a little Project Log to see just what is currently going on in the game.
Between all of these items, its very busy here in the office.
Genesys Games
And just so you know and are aware, The Genesys Project is a very open ended game where you design your own faction, take them to the tabletop in gameplay designed to intensely interactive with your opponents, and are able to take the results of games and apply additional awards and advancements to your faction... even play from one age to the next.
You can see all of this and more at our website were you can pick up the game in the webstore.

Our forums and community discussions are off to a fantastic start. This is a brand new game system even if you are an experienced tabletop gamer, from creating your own faction to a game system that takes more than a few leaps in gameplay. The forums have been highly active and a good place to check out whether your are creating your first, second, or third faction, or getting in your first games! There has been a couple virtual games going on as well as completed factions and concepts posted.
Gameplay and Faction Construction Videos
Videos tackling many of the aspects of the game are out and more are on the way. Its a great place to jump in and see some of the concepts at work. These of course are on our Youtube site,
A Faction Builder is Under Works!
This is a fan based project that is currently going on. Of course I wont announce by who until we see much more progress (that way there is no pressure put on him). Its currently in the works and I have seen some progress!
The Ruins of Tor Qi
This is a campaign booklet that will be available in digital forms only, but is currently being edited. It will feature some new campaign rules that include;
- Solo Play- Playing as a single player to jump right into the game and work through the campaign
- Non-Player Faction Rules- Yes those ruins are filled with Monsters.
- Up to 4 Player Games- The campaign is a semi-cooperative game, but also competitive as the dangers within the campaign might have your helping or hurting the other opponents in the game.
- A driven storyline- Every game matters! Leading all the way to a grand finale where a Netherlord Demon of death is attempting to be reborn into reality. This storyline ties into one of the factions that was created by backers of the Birth of Genesys. So the storyline created by the backer was expanded upon.
This will be available in the coming weeks.
The Genesys Project 2nd and 3rd Age
Yea, I saved this for last. The ability to create and customize your own powered armor, vehicles of war, and so much more is in these books. They are being worked on now, and the Kickstarter will be on it's way in a matter of a few months.
The books are:
The Revelations of Genesys: 2nd Age
The Exodus of Genesys: 3rd Age
Of course more coming soon!