It's November 30th, and the Backerkit Pre-Order store is closing at in about midnight tonight... my time midnight PST. So as this is being written its about 15 hours away. …
New Sisters of Battle Exorcists, Immolator, Rhinos and More Shown!!!!

The pics keep coming and what is being shown over at the Open Day is amazing. Here are some pics of what you have been wanting to see! These just keep coming in to me this morning, its a little nuts here in the office. …
Sisters of Battle Sprues Revealed!

These two sprue pics were just sent in to me! The sprues are shown here giving you a great look at the new Sisters of Battle we are all talking about this morning. …
Huge Reveals- 3 Months of Psychic Awakening Releases

Whoa, looks like all the codexes will be getting updates in the Psychic Awakening series... …
Huge Reveals- Cult Mechanicus Flyers- 3 Variants Arrive!!!!!

Whoa. Most Excellent! the Archaeopter is here! …
Huge Reveals!!!! Sisters of Battle.....
Wow, a lot getting revealed! Holy crap that is a cool model. …
Warhammer 40k Point Cost Leaks to Check Out

These are making their rounds on Facebook and give us some great insight to what is going on with our armies. Point reductions all over, so check them out. …
Today and Tomorrow are it. Last Days to get in on Kickstarter Prices

The Genesys Project is closing it's Backerkit Pre-Order store Saturday night. Its your last chance to get in on these deals. …
Black Friday- Raging Heroes
Black Friday Warlord Games
Black Friday- Victoria Miniatures
Black Friday- Mierce Miniatures

It's 30% off over at Mierce Miniature through Midnight on the 29th...... GMT so get there fast. …
It's Black Friday.... Mantic Games

Ive collected a few Black Friday specials that I was interested in. I will be posting them up as I go through them. …
Happy Thanksgiving from Faeit 212

Of course its Thanksgiving here in the US, so its that time of year were for the past decade we have simply wished everyone a good thanksgiving and given us a picture of Marilyn Monroe with a Blunderbuss and Turkey. …
Kill Team Previews- Grey Knight Gunner Valdar Kai

Yep, its time to get that Psycannon out to blow apart some deamons! …
Linked Warhammer 40k Games- Previews of Ways to Play in the new Chapter Approved

The New Chapter Approved 2019 is coming and within it as we heard yesterday are new ways to play with Linked Games, Parallel Battles, and Spearhead. …
Total War Warhammer 2 The Shadow & The Blade Trailer

This looks cool. Time to get back into the game!…
Tyranids Updates in Psychic Awakening Blood of Baal

Tyranids are getting an update in the new Blood of Baal. Im always excited when Tyranids are getting an update as it always seems they are the last of the Xenos most of the time in an edition. (good sign that 9th is right around the corner). I even once bought an entire tyranid army that never got …
A New Take on Your 40k Game in Chapter Approved

These look interesting for the players that get a lot of games in with a chance to take on some new methods of playing and constructing your armies. The image above- Anyone want to be these guys? I bet they win. …
New FAQ's are Live. Blood of the Pheonix and Psychic Awakening Phoenix Rising
Here is the just of it..... …
Last Few Days of Pre-Orders are Here! November 30th 11:59 pm PST + New Preview Pics

It's the Holiday Season officially here in a day or so with Black Friday specials everywhere. I wanted to remind backers and others that this is the last chance to pick up their Genesys Project Core Rules and Birth of Genesys: 1st Age at Kickstarter prices. The Backerkit pre-orders will end on Satu…
Sisters of Battle Kill Teams in the Kill Team Annual 2019

New Kill Teams, well the ones you've missed out on and the new Sisters of Battle are includced in the new Kill Team Annual 2019 coming to pre-orders this weekend.…
Rumour Engine?

Us this for Necrons? That would be a twist on things. They have been silent for quite some time. First we have Tyranids up in the new Psychic Awakening book and now another possible Xenos hint? This is a lot of Xenos of late. The end could be nigh. …
What's On Your Table: Salamanders Part 2

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to I`m sending pictures of my old Salamanders Army. I know You said up to 8 photos, but couldn't really choose the ones I want to submit. Let it be Your choice if You decide to publish them. …
The Blood Angels Preview for Psychic Awakening

The Blood Angels are coming in the new Psychic Awakening book, so today we get a preview of just what that will entail! …
What to look for in the new Chapter Approved

Of course there are things we are hoping to find in the latest Chapter Approved book, but this year also includes the Munitorum Field Manual! One place for all the points for the entire game! Nice. …
This Week's Releases with Prices. Chapter Approved, Psychic Awakening part 3, and New Box Sets

There is a ton here, and lets take a look at the prices that we are getting in to see how much all of this will cost us. …
What's On Your Table: Salamanders Part 1

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to I`m sending pictures of my old Salamanders Army. I know You said up to 8 photos, but couldn't really choose the ones I want to submit. Let it be Your choice if You decide to publish them. …
New Battleforces, Titanicus, and Psychic Awakening: Blood of Baal... Chapter Approved!

It's a mouthful on what is coming to next weekend, but we are almost in December! Which means everything is on the table. There is a lot here to see what is coming to pre-orders this coming weekend, perfect to be put onto your Christmas list whoever your Santa may be. …
What's On Your Table: Walkers and Monsters of the Frozen Wastes

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to Hi I might be able to supply you better pictures later on the day but this is on my table (well the table of this hotel) right now. They are getting ready to face the other walkers and monsters of …
Rumors of a 9th Edition Box Set Coming.... Space Wolves vs Orks

Of course these are rumors. While I have been hearing (nothing concrete) that 9th is coming next year around the normal time. …
Podcast Interview with Paint All the Minis
This was done a few weeks ago for the Genesys Project and is now live! Podcast interview with Paint All The Minis. Great conversation about the game and it's origins. …
What's On Your Table: Not-So-Tor Garadon

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to I wanted to share with you some pictures of my conversion that I really wanted to make since the first time GW announced this miniature. I know that this is extreme heresy but I couldn't stop mysel…
Available for Pre-Orders Now- New "Paired" Warlord Titan Weapons!

New weapons are up for pre-orders now for your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Titans! Paired shoulder mounted weapons with three different varieties certain to get what you want out of them. via Forgeworld this morning and the Warhammer Community …
Lemartes, Mephiston and Astorath Datacards Leaked?

What. new model. Is this a look at the new datacards? Nice..... …
Offensive Power vs Skill and Defense

Only 8 Days Left to get The Genesys Project books, Birth of Genesys and the Core Rules at Kickstarter Prices. Offensive power of high strength attacks vs skill with weapon and shield. Why and how does this play out so differently in the Genesys Project …
What's On Your Table: Waaaghbuck in his Vipa Mork 2

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to Another update from Big Mek Gyva. This time it’s Waaaghbuck in their Vipa Mork 2 and a group shot of most of Mek Guyva’s creations so far. More pics at @lethargypersonified on insta. Hope you gits …
Magnate is Live!

Magnate's Kickstarter is live and already is super near (or already there) to being funded! …
The New Chaos Sorceror
The Intricacies of Combat- Charging Across the Battlefield.

9 Days left of The Genesys Project being available to pre-order through Backerkit. Thought I would talk about one of my favorite core mechanics for the Genesys Project. Melee Combat. Over all melee combat in through most games is a manner of rolling dice, looking at my massive number of re-rolls, a…
What is in the Box- Mephiston: Two Videos Looking at the New Release
A couple pics are never enough to really "see" the model. These videos help and I always like the miniatures so much better when I get a chance to see the videos. …
The Mortal Realms Magazine/Miniature Subscription.... UK/ Spain Only

A new magazine dedicated soley to the Age of Sigmar? Only if you are in the UK or Spain. The magazine looks interesting though as it seems more about collecting the minis rather than going out and buying large parts of your army. Its one of those great things our kids would love.... Get some models…
What's On Your Table: Scratch built Thunderhawk Gunship

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to Made this guy years ago but never finished him off. After seeing one in person turns out mine is pretty huge so I started working on it again recently to shrink it down …
Magnate the First City Coming Tomorrow.

Magnate is a board game coming to Kickstarter tomorrow that focuses on property development in very strategic gameplay that is a cross between sim city and monopoly on steriods. This is a great looking game that I have a review copy of that we will be digging into over the next few days and weekend…
What is Coming for 2020 in the Horus Heresy

There is a lot coming next year and due to that Forgeworld will not be having a Horus Heresy Weekender in 2020. A big focus though on Dark Angels and Night Lords...... always a good thing!!!! …
10 Days Left. Your Chance is Running Out of Time.

There are 10 days left on Backerkit for the Genesys Project pre-orders. This will end the Kickstarter prices for the game, so it's time to show you a little bit of what you are getting with game. First off the link to get involved now. …
What's On Your Table: Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Knight Lancers

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to These are my Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Knight Lancers. I've always loved the Lancers, but it always bothered me that the models have these energy shields and it's just open space. So, decided to t…
New Salamander and Imperial Fist FAQs and Errata

The FAQs and Errata for these two supplements is finally out. Took awhile, but great to receive. Here is the latest for your armies. …
Mastering the Black Templar. A look at combos and rules

A look into the Black Templar rules that are in the new Psychic Awakening Faith and Fury book. Mastering the most re-rolls? …
That's Brutal, What is it? Today's Rumour Engine

Nice one today! This looks like I definitely do not want to be hit with it. What do you think it is? …
Saint Katherine- Sisters of Battle Character leak

This is now making the rounds. Huge thanks to Miniwars for picking it up from 4chan. Apparently she is dead and this is a funeral procession? …