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This just in from my inbox this morning. Games Workshop really did not give us the lowdown on what is going to be happening with the first wave. So here is some more information.

I for one, cannot wait after reading this, to find out what the hidden releases will be, especially for my dark eldar. I can guess though. It is either a Wrack or a Grotesque that is being released alongside the Haemonculi.

Although still a rumor, I wouldn't think that this one requires much salt.

via "source hidden until he OK's his name being used"
I have some info about Finecast. Info GW should have released on Monday when they announced the damn thing...

First off the R&D guys have been working on this for ages. It's resin, but a brand new mix with the bad bits worked out. It's porus, slightly rubbery (so if you drop a model it will bounce a bit, instead of break), holds detail amazingly and shouldn't need pinning (cept maybe for bigger items).

The reason for the price increase is the R&D costs, plus the fact that moulds will be redone from scratch, they can't just pour the new mix into old moulds. Packaging will be different too, and they will come on small sprues.

First wave will be 100 of the most popular models from the 3 main ranges. there's a few on the poster marked as "confidential" which are brand new models. One for dark elder, one for either tomb kings or skaven, and one which I have no idea about (it can't be for VC or wood elves, surely....)
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