Blood Angels Codex, The Warmaster, Blood Bowl, and the Hobbit Battle Companies.
The Blood Angels Codex is now available for pre-orders along with their Lieutenant Tolmeron and upgrade packs. Quite a bit of Blood Bowl and the Hobbit Battle Companies. Make certain you follow the link, as there is a lot there, beyond what I have listed today.
New From Games Workshop. (There is a lot here, plus more on the Webstore)
Blood Angels
Codex: Blood Angels £25
Blood Angels Primaris Lieutenant Tolmeron £15
Blood Angels Primaris Intercessors £37.50
Blood Angels Primaris Hellblasters £37.50
Blood Angels Primaris Aggressors £32.50
Blood Angels Dice £17.50
Datacards: Blood Angels £10
Blood Angels Primaris Upgrades £8
The Black Library
The Warmaster (Hardback)£18
Blood Bowl
The Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac £30
Elven Union Team Collection £28
Elven Union Home-field Advantage £67
Middle Earth
Middle-earth Battle Companies £25
Lothlórien Battle Company £30
Rivendell™ Battle Company £31
Dol Guldur Battle Company £38