There have been some very interesting reads on the financials for Games Workshop. I don't generally like to make a lot of comments regarding these, so instead I will focus on what others are saying.
Here is a link to the financials
Here is a great article to read
Also in the financials pointed out by Atia
"- A tiny dip in sales, but not much
- AoS already selling more then fantasy had for years.
- 2.2 mill £ invested in plastic moulding machines
We made progress in what was another busy and rewarding year. We started the financial year off with a huge product launch;
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, one of the biggest changes we've ever made to one of our core universes. Our design to manufacture was
outstanding, over-delivering in terms of original concept art to final manufactured models, producing some of the best models we've ever
made. The simplified rules, supporting the models for those who like to play, made it much easier to get started. We learnt some valuable
lessons during the year on how to deliver product system changes on this scale and as we released more of the range in the second half of
the year, we finished the year with sales of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar at a higher rate than Warhammer has enjoyed for several years."