Here is a look at what Monsters and Mercenaries will bring to your Warcry games.

excerpts from the Warhammer Community

The Monsters
In this expansion, you’ll find rules for monsters from every Grand Alliance, namely (deep breath now) Chaos Gargants, Ghorgons, Cygors, Skitterstrand Arachnaroks, War Hydras, Kharibdysses, Terrorgheists and Zombie Dragons!

Fated Quests!
The ampersand between Monsters & Mercenaries (presumably) denotes fated quests – special campaign quests which can be attempted by any faction! Fated quests offer the very greatest rewards to your warbands, in the form of exalted command traits – mighty qualities that transform your leaders into living legends – and truly incredible artefacts of power. Complete Lords of the Arena, for instance, and you’ll either be able to guarantee you pass those pesky bestial intellect rolls…

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