This is from a reader on a previous article, but I wanted to make certain we had this more visible for readers here. It looks like a good set, even just for the models.

Until we get an official release of information, please consider this a rumored list (it looks pretty good so far).

via DAMO.R (the real one) on Faeit 212
Someone I know got a good look at the contents. He doesn’t know all the details but here’s what I was told:

-Rogue Traders are called the Explorers and consist of the following:
-Rogue Trader
-Eldar Ranger
-Kroot Merc
-Astronavigator and servitor of some sort?
-Stormcast looking guy (don’t know what he is but has a Flamer Chainsaw)
-2 Rattling Pirates and their big robot.

Enemies are reportedly:
-Chaos Lord
-Chaos Marines (only 2 or 3)
-Negavolt Cultists
-Renegade Guardsmen (reportedly these models have options)
-Skitter Drone

In total there’s about 40 models in the box
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