A lot has just been unveiled and I’m sifting through it all. In the meantime here is the official announcements
Sorry if the formatting is a little off. Working on that now.
Via the Warhammer Community
What an incredible year it’s been. An infestation of Nurgle Daemons, New Imperial Knights, Rogue Traders returning to the 41st millennium, a New Edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar – and we’re not even done yet!
This weekend, we’re at Blood & Glory – a rapidly growing event in Derby, UK – with one of the last major studio previews of the year. We’re going out with a bang, with a HUGE set of reveals, teases and previews for you to sink your teeth into – think of it as an early Christmas present!
We’ll start with the Mortal Realms…
The Next Battletome…
Blood & Glory this year is playing host to the world’s biggest Warhammer Age of Sigmar tournament (so far!), with hundreds of players in attendance. This event has always been a champion of fantasy wargaming in the Mortal Realms, so we thought it’d be the perfect place to tease just which army will be getting a new battletome next…
Whatever could that mean? You’ll have to wait and see…
Beasts of Legend
As well as looking into the future, we’ve got an early look at some classic models that’ll be (briefly) returning this November thanks to Made to Order. To celebrate the rebirth of the Beasts of Chaos, we’ll be making some legendary models available once more – including some incredibly rare choices like the Wargor Standard Bearer (never before available separately) and oft-requested fan-favourites like Pestigors, and Gorthor.
What’s more, we’ll be giving a host of Beasts of Chaos Heroes and units from the world-that-was a permanent home with a new Warhammer Legends download that lets you field a Chaos Beastmen army of the Old World in narrative and open play.
Realm of Chaos
The Beasts of Chaos aren’t the only children of the Ruinous Powers in for a treat. We can finally pull back the covers on just what Wrath and Rapture is – and just what it means for you!
Wrath and Rapture is a new boxed set that pits the bloodthirsty Daemons of Khorneagainst their most ancient and bitter rivals – the Daemons of Slaanesh. Like other battleboxes that have gone before it, this set will feature a loads of miniatures including exclusive new characters and units, like these ferocious Flesh Hounds:
These guys will be battling against the brand-new Fiends of Slaanesh…
…as well as featuring alongside EVEN MORE as-of-yet unrevealed models. It’s an exciting time to be a Chaos Daemons player, whether you’re terrorising the Mortal Realms, 41st Millennium, or both.
Chapter Approved 2018
Talking of the 41st Millennium, we’ve just revealed what you’ll find in this year’s edition of Chapter Approved – your essential guide for gaming in the 41st Millennium. Chapter Approved 2018 is packed with content for all kinds of players – we’ve got a sneak peek at some of the most exciting headlines.
Take Looted Wagons – Chapter Approved is the home for experimentation and innovation, so is the perfect place to include rules and guidelines for including your most kunnin’ konversions in your Ork army in open and narrative games.
Or the Eight. When Codex: T’au Empire was released, we had loads of fans ask about fielding Commander Farsight’s elite bodyguard – so, in this year’s Chapter Approved, we’ll be bringing these iconic heroes to life in style. You’ll find a host of new datasheets for using this gathering of Fire caste legends in your games, including matched play.
As if that wasn’t enough, Chapter Approved 2018 will also feature a beta codex for the Adepta Sororitas! This is quite possibly Warhammer 40,000’s most anticipated codex ever, and we want to make sure we absolutely nail it, so, alongside our usual rigorous professional playtesting, we’re asking you to help us out and provide your thoughts.
Make no mistake – while this is a beta codex, it’s a fully fledged one that offers the Adepta Sororitas more options and more cool stuff than ever before, allowing you (for the first time EVER) to represent the unique tactics of various orders with unique Orders Militant Convictions. The Order of the Bloody Rose, for instance, are zealous close combat specialists:

There are loads of nifty Stratagems too – one our favourites is Burning Descent, which lets Seraphim purge the unclean from on high by giving them a free shooting attack when they arrive and increasing the range of their hand flamers:

Deep fried heretic, anyone?
Vigilus: The Next Chapter
Over the past few months, we’ve heard all sorts of news from Vigilus – a war-torn world on the frontier of the Imperium beset by invaders from… well, pretty much everywhere. Now, it’s time for the Imperium to strike back…
Vigilus calls for aid, but who will answer? Something tells us things might get worse before they get better for this beleaguered sentinel world…
Not to be outdone, the Necromunda team have been hard at work and can reveal the final House Gang – meet the insidious agents of Delaque:
Re-designed and re-born in glorious multipart plastic, your House Delaque gang will be available in a jam-packed kit that lets you build a host of sinister gangers armed with all manner of unique equipment – not to mention the best trench coats the underhive has to offer.
If you’ve been tempted to get into Necromunda, it’s about to get even easier. Two new books are on the way that take the content from the Gang Wars so far and compile it into a pair of concise guides to skirmish warfare in the depths of the underhive.
The Necromunda Rulebook is your essential guide to the game itself, combining the rules found in the Necromunda: Underhive boxed set with a host of content from Gang War and updated with the latest feedback from the FAQs and Errata. Meanwhile, the Gangs of Necromunda supplement contains rules for all six of the House Gangs, plus Hangers-on, Brutes, the trading post and more.
These books are your one-stop shop for rules and are perfect for both veteran fans looking for an easy reference for their battles and juves looking to take their first steps in the underhive. If you’re looking to get started, Necromunda: Underhive is still a great way to do so, but now, you’ve got the option of kicking off your first campaign with one of the other gangs who’ve joined the fray, like House Orlock or Cawdor.
Speaking of skirmish warfare, we’ve got some exciting news on an upcoming warband for Warhammer Underworlds – the Godsworn Hunt:
We’ve seen the Darkoath expand over the past few years with both the Darkoath Chieftan from Warhammer Quest and Malign Portents’ Darkoath Warqueen, and it’s awesome to see this fresh take on the marauding tribes that fight alongside the Slaves to Darkness.
For Warhammer Underworlds players, this means new cards and new strategies to master – while Chaos fans will be able to add these warriors to their Warhammer Age of Sigmar games with a free warscroll.

That’s not all! We here on the Warhammer Community team have some cracking content planned for you, and soon.

Building your dream Kill Team is about to get a lot easier thanks to Command Roster – a free online tool that lets you build matched play-ready kill teams in moments. We’ll be launching Command Roster soon…

For Warhammer Underworlds, meanwhile, we’re teaming up with the guys who created Udeck to bring you the ultimate Warhammer Underworlds Deck Builder. Designed to make building killer decks as simple as possible, and including additional functionality for making sure your deck is tournament legal, it’s sure to become your ideal companion for adventures in the Mirrored City.
Celebrating our Warhammer Heroes
The first round of Warhammer Heroes – our global effort to find and recognise the hidden heroes who make our hobby awesome – was a roaring success. With your help, we were able to give a number of key pillars of the community the glory they deserved – and we’re almost ready for round two.
- Coming to a wall at Warhammer World, soon.
Good news, podcast fans – your wait is almost at an end. We’ve spent the last couple of months looking at how we can make sure that StormCast and the upcoming Warhammer 40,000 podcast, VoxCast, are as awesome as possible, and we’re happy to announce that both will be returning in December. Mark your calendars!

An Event-exclusive Space Marine Lieutenant
We can also (at last!) show off a very special event-exclusive model. This Primaris Space Marines Lieutenant (first previewed at AdeptiCon) will only be available at independently run Warhammer events next year, starting with AdeptiCon in March. Event organisers are a key part of our hobby – it’s through their tireless work that countless thousands of people across the world get to take part in great Warhammer events.
This model commemorates that tireless heroism and is a special thank you to everyone that’s helped us make Warhammer as awesome as it possibly can be. We’ll be keeping you posted in 2019 as to just where and when you can grab this model for yourself.
And One More Thing…
Lastly, the time has come to take a look inside the Blackstone Fortress – Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress to be exact.
Squinting at the models trying to work out what they all are? We’ve got you covered – here are some detail shots of Amallyn Shadowguide, an Aeldari Ranger who has thrown her lot in with the other explorers searching for the Blackstone Fortress…
…and this awesome Ministorum Priest, Taddeus the Purifier, a zealot who’s following visions he believes were given to him by the Emperor himself.
AND, to cap it all of, here are a pair of all-new Chaos Space Marines!
We’ll have more news on what this all means for you on Sunday. Make sure to check back then for our most in-depth preview of Blackstone Fortress so far…
Wow – some pretty cool stuff in there! Let us know what you’re most excited about over on our Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook pages.
And don’t think we’re done with the awesome reveals just yet, either – we’ll have more news and previews for you at the Vigilus Weekender event in Warhammer World later this month…