The Sanctioner Pattern Automaton is coming to Necromunda sometime soon.
The Sanctioner Pattern Automaton is coming to Necromunda sometime soon.
This is a good one this week. What does it belong to?
The Kharadron Overlords get their Battletome while there are many smaller boxsets coming as Regiments of Renown. This is all coming next w...
Take a look the weapons of the newest Primaris Dreadnought. Via WarCom
Two Boarding Patrol boxset releases alongside Strike Force Agastus with new unreleased miniatures inside it. All of this coming to preorders...
Creature Caster known for its amazing sculpts is starting a digital STL subscription on Tribes (My Mini Factory). This is great news as the ...
Been awhile since I've played this, but as always the trailers pull me in.
That is a crazy looking Miniature. Check out the Infernus Abomination for Heresy Thursday plus new upgraded heads for your miniatures.
The Agents of the Imperium were handed out today as a digital download for the latest updates to 40k from the Arks of Omen. Check it out.
What's On Your Table: To submit your work please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Here are some images of two convwersions I recentl...
Cadians are getting reinforcements for the Astra Militarum. An excellent looking upgrade kit as well as a new Aegis Defense Line, a Commissa...
The Adeptus Arbites are a very nice addition to this boxset for Kill Team as are the Navy Breachers. Some very unique miniatures in these ...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com
Got another rumor set that includes mention of 10th Edition Warhammer 40k
Here is a set of rumors to take a look at for the Horus Heresy.
So I did. A full 3d Printed set of Settlers of Catan. All of this with the exception of the Cities and Settlements were printed on an Ender ...
Angron has arrived. What a cool image above. Here is a look at some of what the new book Arks of Omen: Angron brings to the table.
The Eightbound are part Daemon and part Berserker, a nasty and dangerous combination.
The forbidden arts are explored here with the Esoterist Consul reveal.
This is a great release that feature miniatures that can be used as Dark Elves, Daemons, or Sci-fi versions of the miniatures. I just wish...
More World Eater Previews. via Warcom https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/02/01/the-disciples-of-the-red-angel-are-angrons-daemon-tou...