Today we get a look at the background and lore of the of Spites for the  Sylvaneth that come in the new Looncurse Boxset. Lets see what they have to say.

via the Warhammer Community
With Looncurse out this weekend, we’re examining some of the Sylvaneth’s oldest (and strangest!) allies – the spites!

What are Spites?

Sylvaneth are often accompanied by faerie-like beings called spites. These creatures are highly magical, and incredibly diverse in form and temperament. Treelords, for example, are frequently infested with swarms of miniature, insect-like spites. Others caper to battle alongside hordes of Dryads.

Indeed, some Sylvaneth use spites as living wargear. Kurnoth Hunterswith Greatbows often go to war alongside arrow-carrying spites called quiverlings, while Arch-Revenants are granted flight by their zephyrspites.

Spites can be caring, but are generally capricious and playful creatures. Indeed, even the famously ill-tempered Branchwyches are willing to indulge these creatures in their whims. However, when the groves of the Sylvaneth are invaded, spites will delight in misleading outsiders and leading wanderers to their doom.

Drycha Hamadreth is infested with misery-suckling squirmlings and rage-feasting flitterfuries, creatures she unleashes in battle with deadly effect. There are even theories among the Sylvaneth that the Outcasts – wicked, bitter creatures like Spite-Revenants – were once spites.

One of the largest Spites is Alarielle’s wardroth beetle. This colossal creature is a living battering ram capable of shattering infantry formations and fortifications alike! Magical in nature, the wardroth beetle transforms into a swarm of glowspites, before coalescing at her feet as she lands. On the rare occasion that the wardroth beetle should fall, Alarielle can grow a new incarnation using soulseeds.

While the necroquake has brought much death and misery to the Mortal Realms, it has also awoken ancient creatures and guardians akin to the spites to fight alongside the Sylvaneth once more. Gladewyrms, ancient protectors of the Realmroots, now fight alongside the Sylvaneth, called to battle like endless spells by those versed in the magic of life.

You won’t have to wait long before you can summon your own Gladewyrms – stay tuned for more Sylvaneth news very soon. 

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