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Finally the  big reveal today is the return of Abbaddon. New model reveals today. A great day for Chaos Marines.

via the Warhammer Community
80 days ago, we made a promise* – that Vigilus would belong to the Warmaster. You’ve speculated, you’ve gazed into the depths of madness with the Daemon Engine and you’ve clamoured for more news on the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page. At last, the countdown is over. Take a look at this:

That’s right – Abaddon the Despoiler is BACK. As the observant among you may have guessed, when we teased a new Primaris Lieutenant back at the LVO, we weren’t being entirely serious…**
Abaddon is an integral part of Warhammer history – the star of countless books, campaigns and tabletop battles, this legendary overlord is perhaps second only to the Emperor as an icon of the 41st Millennium, and he definitely gets out more. The Warmaster has been one of the chief architects of the Imperium’s current woes, and it’s only fitting that he returns now with a new model.

The original Abaddon miniature was a classic, and in this new model you can see the inspiration from Jes Goodwin’s iconic designs. The Talon of Horus is every inch the barbaric and intimidating weapon that killed Sanguinius, while the screaming, twisting form of Drach’nyen is brought to life as never before. Even among the twisted arsenal of the Heretic Astartes, these implements of war stand out as truly terrifying.

This incarnation of Abaddon is also a lot bigger, standing nearly as tall as a Primarch, towering over other Chaos Space Marines and making for an instantly eye-catching addition to any collection.

This model draws from decades of art and lore to provide a definitive, rich representation of an iconic character. No detail has been spared in this kit, with every armour piece replete with rivets, battle damage and barding that speaks to the Warmaster’s millennia at war.

We know that Abaddon means different things to different fans. Ask one person, and they’ll tell you about Abaddon the arch-traitor, a devoted servant of the Chaos Gods who seeks only to destroy and despoil. Ask another, and they’ll tell you about Abaddon the visionary, the liberator – the charismatic lord of a recast brotherhood.
You’ll be able to customise the model to fit how you see Abaddon the Despoiler, with a choice of three heads. One, snarling and wrenched with fury, cleaves closely to the classic representation of the character. Another, wrought in the visage of Horus, pays homage to his dark heritage. A final head depicts Abaddon with a respirator, giving him a brutal, impersonal feel, tying him to the masked, savage warriors he leads in battle. Abaddon’s cloak is also optional, giving you yet another way to personalise your model.

Of course, Abaddon’s return is bad news for Vigilus – and he will be released alongside the thrilling finale to the Imperium Nihilus series, Vigilus Ablaze…

Vigilus Ablaze

Vigilus now stands on the precipice of annihilation, as the war for control over the Nachmund Gauntlet enters its next phase.

Chaos has arrived in force on Vigilus, spearheaded by the Black Legion itself. Hardened by millennia of relentless combat and fresh from blood-soaked subjugations in the Imperium Nihilus, they are a force of nightmares, combining the ancient might of the Space Marine Legions with unspeakable and unholy gifts.

Where the previous Imperium Nihilus book focused on the varied forces of the War of Beasts, Vigilus Ablaze is all about Chaos, bringing to life the vast and myriad forces gathered to annihilate this once-impregnable world. A wealth of rules content will expand your options for Chaos armies enormously, with Specialist Detachments, new datasheets and more. Perhaps you’ll strike from the skies with a pack of Raptors led by Haarken Worldclaimer – or crush your foes beneath a clanking tide of hell-forged metal with hunting packs of Daemon Engines.

Shadowspear and Abaddon are the start of a bold new era for Chaos. As those of you who’ve been following the Daemon Engine might have guessed, there’s an army of new models waiting to be revealed, including some things you’ve never seen before and new takes on units you know and love – like this guy.

What’s this Havoc carrying? Looks like the Warpsmiths have been cooking up some new guns. Emperor, help us all…
Stay tuned! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be guiding you through the best set of releases for Chaos Space Marines ever with regular in-depth previews right here. 

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