With the recent video from Adepticon (50 Shelves of Grey) there has been a ton of guesses thrown out there on just what this will be. Lets take a look some things I have been hearing. …
What's On Your Table: Full Armies

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Thanks for posting my crazy kitbashes in your What’s On Your Table? posts. One of your commenters asked to see the full armies, so here they are. …
Next Week, The Lord Discordant

This week one of the more creative models we have had released from Games Workshop is coming to pre-orders next weekend, The Lord Discordant. This model will be healing other Daemon Engines as well as granting a bonus of +1 to hit! …
What's On Your Table: Seraptek heavy construct

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I wanted to share my Seraptek heavy construct Mine is part of the Nihilakh dynasty. …
Heavy Hitters Up for Pre-Order this Morning.

Games Workshop has new Chaos Space Marines up for pre-orders today. This includes the new Havocs and Terminators. Time for some heavy hitters. …
What's On Your Table: Space Marine Character Series II

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Just finished this fig from the Space Marine Character Series II (I think...). Went for saturation on the red areas, smooth reflective Power Armour, textured leather and a sneaky face tattoo and I think it came o…
Horus Heresy Book 8: Malevolence, Sanguinius Pre-Orders
New pre-orders from Forgeworld today including the Horus Heresy Book Eight - Malevolence, Sanguinius, and new Blood Angels Crimson Paladins. …
Chaos Terminator Preview

Terminators are up today. Reaper Autocannons, Lightning Claws and Stratagems are revealed here in today's preview. …
Toughness 5 Havocs rock. Making the Case for Havocs in your army.

Just in case you were not sure you needed to have Havocs in your Space Marine army..... some incentive beyond just heavy weapons... toughness 5! Not to mention those Reaper Chaincannons are just nasty. …
Heading Back.....
The last few days I have been out of the country visiting a few places to the south. Tomorrow, (technically today) I am flying back home to the beautiful and green Northwest, so will be back to the normal posting times and additional scouring of the what is going on out there. …
What's On Your Table: Artel W Iron Boss

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Hey, here's my latest project: the Artel W Iron Boss. …
Whoa, Adepticon Delivers with a Huge Range of New Models and One Stunning......

Keeper of Secrets..... Whoa. Here is the latest......There is a lot here. …
Chaos Havocs and Terminators Prices.....Updated with US/CA prices
Its been one of those days and I am posting a little late today... and tomorrow might be that way as well. Either way I will get to everything I can. Here is the latest releases and prices for this week's releases. …
What's On Your Table: Genestealer Patriarch

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Ascension day is drawing near! Here's a patriarch I've finished and is now ready to lead cult in its new codex. …
What's On Your Table: Tau Manta

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com A friend (Chris- gray shirt/beard in the pic) bought a Manta, and I built and painted it for him. Took about 9 months, and 300+ hours of work. Included are my Thunderhawk and Baneblade for scale. Pictures are at …
Abaddon the Despoilers Kit... A look at the sprues.

Here is the Warhammer 40,000 Facebooks showing of Abaddon the Despoilers sprues. …
Today's Rumuor Engine Teaser
Forgeworld's Preview for Book 8, Malevolence- Pre-orders Friday!

With the Horus Heresy Book 8 coming right around the corner Forgeworld gave us a good preview of what is coming today. Malevolence will be available this Friday for pre-orders. …
What's On Your Table: Space Wolf

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Just thought I'd send these in. It's the first Space Wolf I've painted - for my son's army. I was disappointed with the lack of a specific Wolf Priest mini from GW, aside from Ulrik the Slayer or OOP limited edit…
What's On Your Table: Chaos Space Marines

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I present you with part of my CSM army. Recent changes from CA2018 and beta rules make me optimistic and I hope more of my power armored guys will see the table soon. …
Huge Vigilus Ablaze Spoilers

You read the title right...... dont read below the break here if you don't want to be in the know. …
Raging Heroes New Sister Models Out Now.

New Sisters Models are out now from Raging Heroes with many different dynamically posed miniatures. These are for their Fantasy ranges. …
New Havocs and Terminators Coming to Pre-Orders Next Weekend

There are two big sets of Chaos Space Marines coming next weekend to pre-orders; Havocs and Terminators. These are two new big kits that a lot of us have been watching for. Here is a preview of whats coming. …
Codex Preview: Alpha Legion
What's On Your Table: Mortarion
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Hello, long time listener first time caller here. I recently was able to complete Mortarion and wanted to share. Have some other Death Guard in the works as well. …
Codex Preview: The Emperor's Children and Havocs

Today we get a closer look at the new Havocs as well as the Emperor's Children. …
Abaddon and New Chaos Marines are up for Pre-Orders
There is quite a bit today up for pre-orders, including a new updated codex. Oh yea.... The digital version if you have it will be updated for free!!!!!! …
Abaddon's Sprues... Lets take a look
New Zealand has pre-orders up already and we can take a look at the sprues of Abaddon and the new Space Marine Kits!!!! …
Leaked Havoc Pics and Terminators

Apparently these were data-mined and are now all over our communities. Lots of pics showing up. I will update when more are found. …
Vigilus Ablaze Preview

Vigilus Ablaze is up for pre-orders tomorrow morning.... Here is a preview.... …
Terrain Essentials: An Essential Guide to Building Tabletop Terrain

Something right up my alley today with a new Kickstarter by Dave Taylor that funded in only 7 hours! Yea, I jumped on this right away as well, after all I wanted it and the price is really great for the book. …
Chaos Marine Preview: The World Eaters

The World Eaters are up today.... Time to get those Khorne Berserkers out. …
What's On Your Table: Traitor Primarchs

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Thought I would do my first entry of just completed paint work. Finally this weekend I got around to painting Omegon and have finally completed all the evil traitorous brothers. They even got together for a famil…
Amazing New Models Revealed: Dark Apostles and Disciples- Word Bearers

We saw these models yesterday in grainy zoomed in pics, and now we get the full reveal! Not to mention of my favorite Chaos Marine Legions.... The Word Bearers. …
Book 8: Malevolence Legion Changes

With Book 8 right around the corner a lot of information is coming about and today we have a list of changes to expect on your Legions. …
What's On Your Table: The Mechae Juris Silicona and the Binarae

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Hi Natfka, I have an entry of The Mechae Juris Silicona and the Binarae Part of my ongoing army for the forgeworld of Mezoa. http://millests.blogspot.com/ …
New Dark Apostle Spotted......

This is rather cool. Ive seen this passed around quite a bit now over the last number of hours. …
Need some Luck? New Specials for St. Patricks Day
There are some new sale packs from Raging Heroes that are live now and feature a lucky Lulu Leprechaun to sit by the table and give you some much needed luck on those dice! Ya I know St Patrick's day was Sunday. …
No Loyalist Codex Coming until Much Later this year

While this isn't huge news, it still sets your sights ahead and even for myself gives some insight onto what is coming in future. Now the big question really is... what codex is Ishagu talking about when it comes to new kits that seem to be tied to the Vanguard? …
The Fallen and Crimson Slaughter, and Red Corsairs
The Crimson Slaughter, The Fallen, and more are here in this preview from the Vigilus Ablaze. …
Game Fortress: A New App for Hobbyist by Hobbyist
A completely free app is live now to organize your lists, games, and other projects you have going on. This app was created by hobbyists and they want you to sign up and let them know what you think of the app. They want your feedback. …
Chaos Previews: Nightlords

Here we go, my original Chaos Marine Army back in the day when Chapter Approved came out of White Dwarf and most of an entire magazine was dedicated to the Nostramo and their dark Primarch. From the moment I read that magazine I was in love with the Nightlords all those years ago. …
What's On Your Table: Cawl and Helverins

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Finished up Cawl and some Helvrins this week. Also used some extra Auto-cannons to make better looking Heavy Stubber for both sets of my Armigers …
Primarch of the White Scars Leaked. Full Stat Page
More leaks from Horus Heresy Book 8: Malevolence, Jaghatai Khan is revealed here. …
HH Leaks: Horus Heresy Book 8: Malevolence

This book is right around the corner possibly coming to pre-orders this Friday. …
Chaos Previews: The Iron Warriors

Going through this for each Traitorous Legion is a lot of fun. Its been a long time since I had a Chaos Marine army, but this is exactly what I would of loved back then. More info, more rules, and fun models on their way. Sounds almost like I need a new army. …
The Hatch: Rumour Engine Teaser

Today we get a hatch with little else on it to give us direction. A new vehicle though always sounds good. …
What's On Your Table: Van Saar Gang

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I just finished up my Van Saar gang. I planned for these to be a quick job but all the little details just take time! …
New Sisters of Battle Previews

New Adeptas Sororitas reveals today showing off Backpacks, a Cuirass, and more. …
The Black Legion: Abaddon's Stat Lines, New Stratagems, and More\ New Terminators!

Today the Warhammer Community takes a look at the Black Legion. Those Terminators look New!!!! …