It’s been a crazy couple of days of all night gaming and end of year fun. Everyone have a good and safe New Years Eve. See you next year-Gary …
It’s been a crazy couple of days of all night gaming and end of year fun. Everyone have a good and safe New Years Eve. See you next year-Gary …
Previously leaked, the Beasts of Nurgle were seen in a video that was quite fun. Here they are now..... …
These images were just sent into me with a price list for all the upcoming Nurgle Releases! …
The latest Malign Portent is up, the Asylum. You can see the video here at this link https://malignportents.com/#2 …
The Warhammer Community has put up a quick preview of the January edition of White Dwarf that includes Malign Portents, painting tips, and Battle Companies for the Hobbit. …
More model previews for Nurgle..... for what appears a big Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 model release coming in January. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I started a custom Primaris chapter and made a little background lore for fun! …
If GW needs an excuse to continue beyond the Days of Nurgle it would be awesome, although I doubt each of the Chaos Gods are getting releases like this. …
This is a great video leading into the new year with the new Chaos Daemon codex. There are lots of great artwork, plus a sneak peak at the some of the new powers granted by the 4 gods. January is going to start off with a bang. …
Hey guys today Skari from SkaredCast comes to challenge Irvin in a 1500 point battle! Fish vs scary elves, who will win? Watch to find out! Be sure to comment on the video to be enetered into next week's giveaway!…
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Here are some of my units of self-made Void Bearers chapter, the Iron Hands successors for What's On Your Table. …
The Maggotkin of Nurgle is coming soon to the Age of Sigmar, and today the Warhammer Community has a preview of what to expect. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Thought I'd share my Mortarion model, now that I've got him mostly finished. Absolute blast to paint, he's a really nice model. I particularly enjoyed the nurgling parade on his base. …
Games Workshop is looking back at the changes and releases that happened in 2017. Most of the time though we are looking for a possible release schedule of the next year, not looking back. So here we will be digging and looking ahead this week and trying to discover more of what may be coming in th…
The Second Day of Nurgle: The Great Unclean One is unveiled with lots of pics and artwork. Cant wait for codex Daemons to arrive next month! …
We have pics of the new rules for Sly Marbo this morning. No points, but but a good look at his rules. He is an "In-Store" purchase only for today only. He should be available again very soon.. first couple months of 2018. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com More Bretonnia! Grail Reliquae (2004), Saint Celestine (2016), Unicorn (1992?) and Leman Russ’ Freki and Geri wolves (1991). I also have an empire battle priest (cast to order from 2016), and two bald trebuchet …
While this has a little bit of speculation in it, its well within the realms of possibility. It appears that Dark Imperium is no longer a mandatory stocking item, and there are some possible hints of something new coming soon. This could reset the Sisters of Battle clock.... GW knows (very well at …
Earlier we had a Leman Russ (Daemonic) rules sheet running around, and I can tell you that my digging found their origin is from a Russian Gage site. In fact there were three Primarch Sheets, although I only have been able to dig up two of them from various places. …
Available now is Age of Darkness Rulebook for the Horus Heresy from Forgeworld …
Merry Christmas everyone. Games Workshop today through the Warhammer Community gave us a great carol with Father Nurgle. Lots of fun. Enjoy. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Tyranids gathering for a festive holiday feast! The nids: Rhinox hide and shades of red for the carapace. Ceramite white, rhinox hide wash and drybrush with a blend of the two for the exoskeletons. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Here's something for the holidays. …
Continuing with the Malign Portents teasers, the Warhammer Community unveils a new champion... Fungoid Cave Shamen …
Gavriel Sureheart is now available from Games Workshop. Not a pre-order, but available today. …
Some added rumored bits that were placed in the comment section via Michael Tite on the validity of the Leman Russ rumored image, along with hints of something bigger with the new Nurgling.... …
This was sent into me, and I cannot fathom this being real. Thought Id share though. I have not been able to get any additional information about it. …
Forgeworld has had a good year in 2017, and the Warhammer Community is sharing what they did during the year. …
http://traffic.libsyn.com/combatphase/ep_224_-_2017_Year_in_Gaming.mp3 It's time for our 5th annual Year in Gaming look back at a whopper of a year! Dave Taylor joins us for this year and we have some fun. Look for a minisode of David Guymer talking his AoS & Shadespire books in 2017 coming next w…
Lord Celestant Gavriel Sureheart will be available for most of us this weekend, and Lady Atia is sharing the rules for him. Of course it looks like most people getting this model will be replacing the head (or at least covering him up). …
New Nurgling revealed in Duncan in the latest painting video, which just happens to be the 300th episode. …
Got sent an early version of the game to play and show off, please be aware that everything you see is in the early stages of development and anything can change. Let's jump in and take a look at this new Warhammer Game. …
With four factions, Wizkids has a new release coming out next July called the Battle for Ultramar, a card and dice game following the rules for Dicemasters in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Ultramarines and Deathguard will be in the main box set with expansions to include Space Wolves and Orks. He…
The Dark Angel codex is out and we have some new lore and information coming with it. Luther has been set free, the Unforgiven Chapters have been massacred, Azrael rallies all the sons of the Lion to the rock... …
Finally we are getting past obscure tabbard/cloak clips and getting something definitely Eldar. Of course that still leaves it wide open, but this is a better step forward for the Rumour Engine. …
The Horus Heresy is back, as Forgeworld is about to release the Age of Darkness Rulebook. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Bretonnia! Almost done the whole army (but I’ve said that before). Green Knight with lots of the metal etching plants and some resin base trees that came with the Lustria basing kit and bugs from the wood elves. …
With the exception of Sly Marbo and Lord Celestant Gavriel Sureheart there is nothing coming from Games Workshop until January 6th. Of course Im certain we will have some details of January before that. …
So some juicy details are coming appearing online from the upcoming Space Marine book, 'Ashes of Prospero'. There is one passage where Njal Stormcaller speaks of vision regarding Primarchs. …
Raging Heroes steps it up with Sol-Sarya now available, along with a few more recent releases. These heroes come in Sci-Fi and Fantasy versions. …
Anvil Industries does amazingly well at providing literally thousands of options to customize your models and create new Regiments that will fit into your games how you see them. Now with their new releases..... Dress Uniforms, new options are again available. …
This coming weekend the new Lord Celestant Gavriel Sureheart is coming, not to pre-orders.... but directly to the stores. This is so that the model can be purchased for Christmas. We even have the prices for him from last week. …
There is a good bit in here for Adeptus Titanicus, but I find some of the background of how these games come to light some of the best highlights. This is definitely a very nice read, and worth your time today. …
The first was The Field, now the ship gives us the second Malign Portent. …
We have a follow up piece of information about when we might see Sly Marbo coming next year, since most people will not get a chance to get this model on the 26th. …
Games Workshop is settling down on just how rules will be updated, taking it down to twice a year along with a Chapter Approved once yearly. They are definitely trimming down the updates, and making them more regimented, which is a huge improvement. …
This rather sucks, as Sly Marbo, a very long awaited return will only be available for a single day, otherwise you will have to wait until "later 2018". Not only that.... but the only place to get one is from a GW Store. …
One of the best reviews of the codex I have found (as I don't have it), goes over unit by unit, how they can be used and how they stack up. I read it, and have included a small bit of it here, along with a link that I think is very useful to go over and check out. On top of that, the Warhammer Comm…
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I've been working hard over the past few weeks getting a force ready for Heat 2 of the GT at Warhammer World in just over a week. Work is going to the wire! …
Games Workshop sent out an email newsletter today that had the graphic and link to the new Malign Portents website. There is a countdown on the website that gives us just how long we will have to wait to get our hands on it. …