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From Fantasy Flight Games comes a new stand alone rpg for playing soldiers of the Imperial Guard. While I have little interest in rpgs anymore (time issues mostly), it sounds solid to come out with a game that is compatable with the other rpgs FFG has come out with. Not to mention all the cool artwork we will be getting with a book like this.

via Fantasy Flight Games
“The men and women of the Imperial Guard sacrifice more and gain less than perhaps any other arm of the Imperial Armed Forces."
–Commissar Ibram Gaunt

Only War is a standalone Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying game experience in which players take on the roles of soldiers in the Imperial Guard, the galaxy-spanning armies of the God-Emperor. Fully compatible with FFG’s other Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay titles, this comprehensive game system explores a previously unseen side of life in the Imperium of Man.

Join the ranks of brave men and women inducted into the God-Emperor’s armies, trained to fight and sent off to far flung stars and systems to hold the line against the coming night. Despite overwhelming opposition, or perhaps because of it, these fearless soldiers are bound to each other by a code of brotherhood and honour. They are the thin line that protects the Imperium from complete and utter destruction. They are the Imperial Guard.
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