Again more reveals with a new video for the Blackstone Fortress has just come up. Inside the video new artwork hinting at new miniatures and....... Chaos Marines....?

via the Warhammer Community
The Imperium is not alone in seeking to stake a claim on the Blackstone Fortress – in its dark halls and vaulting caverns, the rot of Chaos permeates the stifling atmosphere. See which sinister foes you can spot in our latest teaser…
Looks like the explorers will be getting a lot more than they bargained with. Here’s just one of the new enemy models from the set – a mysterious Negavolt Cultist:

Negavolt Cultists express their heretical devotion by despoiling machinery and corrupting the function of sacred technologies through daemonic invocations and abstruse rituals. Such cults can often be found on planets controlled by the Adeptus Mechanicus.

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