There are images out now revealing the dataslate penned in for Tyranids later this month; the Tyranid Vanguard. Some good things are in it, and of course possibly a let down depending on what you were expecting in this dataslate. I do not see Ymgarl Genestealers there. Of course with the latest leaks this May or may not be real.

Please note that this indeed not a real leak. Very much proven to be right out of the apocalypse book. 

The image was loaded up onto 4chan apparently, and is another fake image from there. Stickmonkey had seen it and forwarded the image to me. Definitely not real.

Here is some of the information on the dataslate from the image. I have seen the image, but don't know where else its located right now. If I find where he found it, I will link it up. Of course this is a leaked image, and I wont comment right now on if its real or not (its a rumor).

Please remember that this is a rumor until something official is released.

via Stickmonkey on Faeit 212
3+ genestealer broods (1 must include broodlord, only 1 broodlord per formation)
3+ lictors one of which can be deathleaper

Every man for himself
On the round this unit arrives enters play, every unit within 36" must use the lowest leadership value of the unit when taking leadership tests.

Secret Deployment
Every unit in this formation must start in reserve and use Lictor's chameleonic skin rule for deployment
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