Powerful magic and massive monsters is a great combination for the Summer. Games Workshop is releasing Storm of Magic this weekend and it is loaded with both. 45 unique monsters able to be used with any army alongside extremly powerful new spells is enough to peak the interest of anyone that plays …
Be Aware, There Are More of Them Than There Are of Us.
Umbra Fighting Space Marines Since we are talking alien races with the mention of a new race coming to 40k, I found an interesting article to share. It is a decent list of the Alien species of the Warhammer 40k universe, and below, are the pics. First off, I want to thank Asymmetrical Xeno for post…
Games Workshop Advance Orders Policy Change
It seems policy changes are something of an everyday occurance these days, so why not add another. While I normally do not get too worked up on these, this one seems a little counter-productive. I understand the need to get customers to their stores for release dates, but this is a little rediculas…
New 40k Race as 6th Edition Dawns- The Hrud and Umbra
Word has it in the mill that the Hrud will be making its first appearance as a playable army with the coming of 6th edition. Now this isnt all that far fetched when you see all the old races making their way into 40k. Squats/ Demuirg coming soon to a Tau codex near you, and the Jokaero weaponsmith…
Catching a Glimpse of New Necron Models
It seems that someone was getting a tour of a factory or something similair and caught a glimpse of a Necron sprue. While it is not so much the model he saw, it is that it was a Necron sprue. That is exciting, and seems that GW might indeed truly be gearing up for the first wave of Necrons this fal…
Pics of the Week
This week I have some extremly nice pics. I know I missed two weeks while I was on vacation, so it is time to pick back up on my weekly series Pics of the Week. These really are the creme of the crop with extra pics. Enjoy. …
Sister's of Battle To Get a Full Codex + Necron Waves Nov 12th and Dec 3rd
With Sister's of Battle getting something in an upcoming White Dwarf, it is nice to hear the rumor mill is still saying that Sister's will get the full Codex treatment and not just a quick white dwarf article. …
Legions of Chaos in 6th Edition and more 6th Ed stuff
Still 6th edition keeps me reading at the moment, and I still have more information that is grabbing my attention. A proper Chaos codex for the first time ever is something I truly want. I want to see the chapters broken down and exciting again. It is something I miss from the old Chapter Approved …
Storm of Magic - Powerful Spells for Capturing Fulcrums
Before I had left for vacation I had promised a friend of mine to start posting Warhammer Fantasy related rumors that I found. So keeping with my word, here is another round for the upcoming release Storm of Magic. These new spells are require you to hold fulcrums, one of each type depending on whe…
Space Marines in 6th Edition
There are a lot of 6th edition stuff out there, and in continuing today's theme, here is a Space Marine set. The rules listed take into account previously discussed rules posted earlier today. So if you need to reference them, that is where you will find the rules listed out in detail. While I have…
More 6th Edition Rules
Here is a sequal to the earlier posting on 6th edition rules that we will be seeing in the near future. I know that a year may not seem like the "near" future, but for me, it is something to be aware of since a year from now will come much quicker than you think. …
6th Edition Rules in Detail
First Day back and 6th edition appears to by far the most interesting thing in the mill. I 've spent a lot of the morning reading through what it is that these rumors are saying, and in the end, just had to start posting. There are that many of them. I am glad to be back. …
Guess Who is Almost Back
Vacation is almost over. Its been a good couple weeks of vacation up here in the wet Alberta city of Edmonton. Two days actually of nice weather during the two week stay. I am now on my way back to town. Even though I will arrive on Sunday, it will be Monday that I will be resuming activity on the…
A Day Late, but a Day Nonetheless. Grey Knight FAQ

I saw this yesterday, even though I was on the road the whole day. From what I read, it is a very good FAQ with most of it being common sense. However, common sense is sometimes what we find lacking on the table top when coming across some of the weird rules people believe in. Here are some links t…
Look at this. Sisters Rumors While I am on Vacation

These are fun. Firgured I would post out what I could. I had already known these would be out, but had no way to post while fighting traffic through the Seattle area yesterday. BTW History of Flight Museum was pretty cool. Here are some Sisters of Battle Rumors from Blood of Kittens that were post…
Presence of Faeit- Sisters of Battle and Vacation

What a shocker that was for me, the Sisters of Battle preview in the July White Dwarf. While I am still shocked by it, it is time for me to let go a bit, as this morning I left for vacation. Yes, I was kicking and screaming, as the rumor mill will be all full of exciting Sisters of Battle informati…
More Storm of Magic Pics- Release the Sorcerors

Here is another pic before I head out on vacation. These are from the Storm of Magic release that is incoming next month, more specifically the pics are from July's White Dwarf. According to the text in the pic, all 4 of these models will be plastic. The pic is via M'ichal and his early White Dwarf…
More on the Line- Sisters of Battle

We are all shocked by the Sisters of Battle coming out as a White Dwarf release, but perhaps there is something in the future besides a pdf release. There is a lot of talk about how bad this will be and how GW promised they would never do another White Dwarf (pdf) codex. But, here we are...... …
Storm of Magic Sneak Peak (pics)

Here are a couple pics from July's White Dwarf on the Storm of Magic Expansion coming our way. They are beautiful pics, and later when I get a chance I will take a closer look at them. …
Sisters of Battle are Next! Confirmed in the New White Dwarf

The Sisters of Battle codex is confirmed for a July/August release. I had thought for sure we were going to see Necrons, but thats how the dice fly. Sisters of Battle are here. Sisters of Battle are on the horizon. Check out the pic from the new White Dwarf. The relevant information is on the botto…
Durability within a Fragile Army- Vect, Haemonculi, and Grotesques Part 2

This is the second piece of what was started earlier. What I am analyzing is a unit I have been using now for some time with great success. So much success that the Grotesques have been successful in every game, even in games I have lost. …
Storm of Magic- High Elves, Wood Elves, and More

Some more rumors regarding the Storm of Magic expansion that just around the corner. Wood Elves are my cup of tea when it comes to Fantasy, so any information regarding them is a plus. Not to mention that word is that they are due out next year at this time with a new codex. …
Forgeworld Moving to a New Resin

It seems that Forgeworld is concerned about its customer base, and has been researching a less hazardous type of resin for its models. This would be welcome, as long as we keep up the quality and detail we expect from forgeworld. …
Ogre Kingdoms Release alongside 2nd Wave for Vampire Counts and Beastmen

Making the rounds is a a small rumor snippet about the upcoming Ogre Kingdoms release for October. While not the oldest codex still around, it is very close. The Ogre Kingdoms were released in 2005, so its time for an update. As I had promised, Warhammer Fantasy rumors incoming. Really it all star…
Haemonculi, Grotesques, and Webway Deployment

I have been discussing in the past how I field my Haemonculi alongside my Grotesque detachment over the last few months. Well today I am going to expand on the unit composition and deployment of the webways. …
Storm of Magic Expansion Release- July 9th

Storm of Magic is said to be released on the second Saturday in July, which is July 9th. There really is a lot that is going to be in this release, with alternate magic rules, new model releases, and scenarios. By request I will be starting to include Warhammer Fantasy on this blog. Especially whe…
E3 2011 Dark Millenium Trailer

While not the most exciting trailer, I am definetly going to be watching this game as it progresses. I have mostly stopped playing MMORPG's, but this one might just break me back into it.…
Necrons- July White Dwarf Peak

A lot has been said recently, and talked about, whether or not Sisters or Necrons will be here first. While we do not have any announcement, the rumors that Sister's will slip into July/ Sept seems like it was pulled out of thin air. Today we have yet another rumor about the timeline, declaring Necr…
Pics of the Week- Xenos Week

Here is our 40k Pics of the Week. I am starting it off with a model, just because the Talos is that nice of a model. The rest of course is other Xenos pics I have been holding onto for a bit now.…
Pics of the Week- Apocalyptic Eruption

This weeks pics will come in two sets. Puyehue-Cordon Caulle, a volcano in Chile has erupted, and it is apocalyptic, not just in beauty, but in scale. This is something that I wish I could see. These are real, and are not a Hollywood creation. Just check them out. My 40k set is just around the corn…
Antimatter Captured for 17 minutes- Scientific Breakthrough

Scientist have created and maintained antimatter for the first time since last years attempt. They held the antimatter for 16 minutes and 40 seconds, breaking last years attempt which only held the particles for 172 milliseconds. While not 40k related, this is exciting to bear witness to the futur…
Specialist Game Release- Battle Fleet Gothic

Got a little snippet this morning that something might be coming for Battle Fleet Gothic. It was one of my favorite games when it first came out, and my eldar fleet is quite large. I do hope that something is coming for BFG. …
Presence of Faeit - Release Dates, Citadel Finecast Quality, and Worst Week on Record

This week is really one of the worst weeks on record. To clarify, its been the worst week for the rumor mill in the last year. Nada, nothing. Its been bad. It even appears people that are used to giving so much to the rumor mill have resorted in blatant "making stuff up" in order to post. No pointi…
Citadel Finecast Second Wave Release (Eldar, Harlequins, and more)

Well, its about time we hear about what is on its way with Citadel Finecast. The second wave appears to be small and set for August 6th. I have looked at these models, and I do enjoy so far the amount of detail that is on the model. It is much more defined than in metal. While it appears more flexi…
6 Easy Steps for Camo Cloaks

I do often run across great modelling tricks and techniques. This one is fantastic, as I was recently trying to figure out how I was going to handle my Imperial Guard Veterans with Forward Sentries.. (Camo cloaks and snare mines). I will definetly be trying this one probably later this week, so I…
Video Message to Games Workshop

There are a few things that I feel are misrepresented, but overall it is a good video to watch. Games Workshop is the game of choice for so many people, and to narrow it down, Warhammer 40k. Even though there are a lot of people sending in letters and petitions, this video is by far the best I've s…
Astral Claws Release- Forgeworld

These shoulder pads look awesome. I definetly think if I was going marine, these shoulder pads would be the way to go. They are extremly detailed. These are up on the Forgeworld site, so I am assuming that they are available for order today. Rhino and Land Raider doors and shoulder pads. …
Not My Cup of Tea - Kill Team

While this is definetly not my cup of tea, I beleive things like this are fantastic for the hobby. Want to introduce people into the 40k universe, here is a good way to do it. Even last night before my game, a guy was watching people play, saying that he knew the 40k universe because of the Dawn of…
Holy Talos Conversion- Games Day France

This thing is amazing, and is a must see. It makes me want to sit down and make these things from scratch. Take a look at these Games Day Golden Demon entries. …
New Acquisitions and an Update

Yesterday I went and picked up what I have been needing to get, and no it was not a new Citadel Finecast model. It was more hooks. As things develop, I have found out that I do indeed want to have 9 raiders ready to go, alongside 3 Ravagers, and lets not forget just in case, I have the Dais of Dest…