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August. I'm back.August. I'm back.

Well, I'm back from my August hiatus. It was a good month, which included nothing on the gaming table, some white water rafting, couple misc. trips, some in laws, barbecues, landscaping, and just a ton of things outdoors. To make a long story short, I'm back, and readers can expect me back to my no…

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Tournament Play, SuckageTournament Play, Suckage

I know I don't get tired of winning games. However, I especially enjoy the games were my opponent is putting up his best, playing his best, both armies are painted, table looks great, and we have a hard hitting game. Those games are absolutely the best of what warhammer 40k has to bring on the table…

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Not playing by the rules.Not playing by the rules.

It seems to me, learning the rules of 40k seems to be one of the biggest learning curves of almost any game out there. It's almost unbearable seeing a game played where someone is so obviously breaking the rules, that I don't say anything anymore. It often leads to far too many arguments in games th…

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Wine and CheeseWine and Cheese

This is not an article on fine dining, rather a discussion on a local player problem. Mostly that I hear the word "cheese" all to much around the game table. I'm going to be very direct with the problem, and why it is heard at almost every league night. For the most part, there is a severe lack of u…

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