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Good news, Good FAQs. Blood Angels and Tyranids, they're out.Good news, Good FAQs. Blood Angels and Tyranids, they're out.

Wow. The new faq's are out. Exciting..... Here are a few of the basics. Doom of Malanti explained in better detail (doesn't effect guys inside of vehicles). Multiple Tyrants on reserve rolls don't stack (needed this two weeks ago), Special characters are of their creature type.... (Swarmlord is a hi…

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The Holy Light of the Emperor Once Again Shines On Those Able to ReadThe Holy Light of the Emperor Once Again Shines On Those Able to Read

Wow, once again..... Does a vehicle need to be obscured in order to receive a cover save, such as in shield of sanguinus psychic power. Once again GW sides with what the rule book actually says, and not Internet weird interpretations. Just for the people that cant think for themselves.... Obscureme…

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Inquisitorial Allies... In or out?Inquisitorial Allies... In or out?

Just recieved a link from a friend noting a gw response to the allies question. Here is what it said. (copied and pasted) I noticed there is a codex: deamonhunters pdf now on the website The english version is missing the inducted guard/marines, where the german/french/itallian/spanish version inclu…

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Faeit 212Faeit 212

I am officially retiring my Faeit 212 army list. It doesnt mean that it wont come out on occasion, (mostly by pre-arranged request) but its not going to be fielded for quite some time. In the mean time, I am preping my dark eldar, and fielding blood angel lists. I probably will continue to do some …

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The Inquisition Dies RIPThe Inquisition Dies RIP

Put them away folks. We really have the first now unplayable group in 5th edition. What GW has said... No allies, no inducted units, no more spending money on the codex, no more reasons to buy the models (Daemonhunters). It looks to me like this would mean they are done with grey knights, permanent…

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Moral. Playing the Moral Game in the 40k universe.Moral. Playing the Moral Game in the 40k universe.

It seems that so few people really know how moral works in the 40k universe, so I thought I would do a quickie on it. First things first. A unit that is falling back, automatically fails all moral checks. How is this done to someone? The most obvious is multiple tank shocks. A squad is tank shocked…

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Vehicle Squadrons: Use them RightVehicle Squadrons: Use them Right

Most people look at vehicle squadrons as risky, dangerous, fragile, a waste of points etc. I figured it was time to set the record straight. Vehicle squadrons are tough to take down. I wont get into speeders much, becuase in all honesty, its much easier to bring down squadrons of armor 10 than it is…

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Using SternguardUsing Sternguard

Something I have noticed over and over, is that most people play sternguard one of two ways. Either in the drop pod, loaded with combi-meltas with 5 or 10 veterans, or the less popular but still effective 5 man squad with two heavy weapons. Now the problems. Drop pod them in, they are a "I hit you,…

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The Hammer Unit - Blood Angel Assault TerminatorsThe Hammer Unit - Blood Angel Assault Terminators

Blood Angels have a couple unique and interesting options when it comes down to what to field. Super cheap devastators, scout moving Baals predators with flamestorms, Assault squads, and my favorite possible hammer unit- Blood Angel Assault Terminators. Now I normally don't play games under 2000 pt…

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Some Pics from Ard BoyzSome Pics from Ard Boyz

First off Congrats to Travis for taking the semi's 1st place. I personally had a bad day at the table, breaking some of my own cardinal rules. More on that later. Here are the pics. Ok, Nice table set ups over-all with only one really non-playable table. (Meaning if I had to set up a pitch battle, …

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Know your opposition pt.2  Alpha StrikeKnow your opposition pt.2 Alpha Strike

Whether seen loaded with tons of hunter killers, heavy armor, or massed devastators/longfangs, massed firepower sitting across from you can be quite daunting, especially when they go first. The first mistake people make when facing this army type is fail their "player moral" check. They then spend t…

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Dark Eldar NewsDark Eldar News

Here is the latest rumor along the Dark Eldar Front. We dont know when yet, but it looks like we might be looking at an October release date. At least so the rumors say. Here is a little tidbit of the new weapons. Splinter Rifle: 12" S:2 AP:5 Rapid Fire, Poisoned (4+) Splinter Pod: 18" S:3 AP:5 Assa…

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Off to the Semi-finals of Ard BoyzOff to the Semi-finals of Ard Boyz

Well, Im headed up to Olympia Washington come Saturday morning. From what Ive heard, they are not turning away anyone that qualified for the semi's. I signed up there 2 days before they announced where the semi's were being held (thx Andy for the heads up). When I did sign up, I was number 20. This…

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Know your Opposition pt.1 DeepstrikersKnow your Opposition pt.1 Deepstrikers

What most people do... Make an army they like, and then fail when they run across an army type they did not expect or know. Some of the obvious examples are when you play armies like necrons. While you cant plan for everything, having a break down on what you will do against different army types is …

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Ard Boyz Missions for casual gamesArd Boyz Missions for casual games

First off, for the casual games that I play, I tend to use all the Ard Boyz missions that Ive saved up over time. I have this and last years, prelims and semi's. If you take these missions and mix them up really well, drop some dice, you end up with a pretty decent and diverse mission list. I tend …

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Off to War!!!!!! New semi-final Ard Boyz missions.Off to War!!!!!! New semi-final Ard Boyz missions.

Its time to march off to war. The new missions are out, and they look like good missions. Im looking forward to playing them and getting down into them. A much better job GW of writing missions. Here is the link.§ion=&pI…

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Assault vs Shooting ArmiesAssault vs Shooting Armies

Assault or Shooting.We all work hard on our army lists, even the fluffers do so (they just suck worse or more). The question often comes down to, what works best, assault or shooting. Do we work towards a harmonious balance of the two?, Or do we strive to perfect one or the other? I suppose in orde…

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40k Community Epic Failure. Pew Pew Pew40k Community Epic Failure. Pew Pew Pew

Read the following for the upcoming BOLSCON doubles tournament. importantly, here is a quote to how they are handling a tournament. Note, this is the wrong way a tournament should be done.Quote "For both tournaments…

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