There is a pic floating around latest White Dwarf, and to be exact, its on page 62-63. What some people are claiming is that there is a new model on the far right of the picture in the back behind the carnifex. So have new Tyranids been revealed by a picture in the latest White Dwarf?

The pic above is a Forgeworld Hierodule.

Here is the picture in question from an already released White Dwarf, and can be found on several different sites including. Who found it first I have no idea, since both seemed to go up at about the same time.

When it comes down to it, the pictures are blurry, but does indeed seem to be a heirodule from Forgeworld. The studio army shown is also one that has been shown in White Dwarf before, and there are known to be some custom models done on it.

So while I am going to say No to this one, as its rather obvious after a little digging to what the beast is.

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