Just over 48 hours left and we passed our Stretch Goal adding additional content for the Humanoids.Remarkable, and I will be jumping on it right away.
With so little time left, its the perfect opportunity to jump in and back the project. Here is your link. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thegenesysproject/the-genesys-project-the-birth-of-genesys

I also want to backers to know that yesterday in our meeting we decided to add a "Strategy Guide" to the game. This will be available later (for free) as a pdf and will be available on the Genesys Games website. www.genesysgames.comThe Strategy Guide will be insight not only from myself, but directly from playtesters who have been involved in the playing and direction of the game for years, including a couple from the very beginning! The goal is to get their insights and opinions into creating factions, gameplay, and more. 
Also, here is a draft of the QuickPlay Reference Sheet laid out for this Kickstarter. The one that will come in the books will be more refined. 
You can see it here, or download the pdf at this link. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ovwwju62fsuisf/GP_QuickPlaySheetDraftV1.pdf?dl=0

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