With the digital Space Marine codex, more specifically the Enhanced Space Marine Codex, there is an official list builder called the Force Requisition tool. Now while I do not see this as able to trump the rules, when there is a question on how a rule works, this is a good answer.

The Force Requisition tool in the Space Marine codex allows a player to replace 2 weapons with Chapter Relics from the Space Marine Wargear list. Now a lot of people were on the fence about what the rule really says, and I was one of them, since it read like this,
"A model can replace one weapon with one of the following"
So does that mean you can only replace one weapon period? That is how some people read that. Others say that you can take two weapons, essentially doing this twice, and you are able to replace two weapons for two chapter relics.

Most entries in wargear sections read like this
"a models can replace his bolt pistol and/or his melee weapon with one of the following"

So I have been on the fence really about taking two chapter relics, but when it comes to playing I take the safest route normally.

A huge thanks to Stickmonkey for pointing this out to me, as I don't have the enhanced digital codex.

via Stickmonkey
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but per GW official Force Requisition tool in the iBook enhanced codex, you can replace 2 weapons with relics Plus give the armor on a Chapter Master. 
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