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The Ruins of Tor-Qi is a campaign of scenarios that drive the storyline of the Demon Belith. The Greater Demon died centuries ago while corrupting an Insektiod race with fear and madness, driving them to consume themselves and leaving behind the ancient ruins of Tor-Qi. Mastering Death, Belith now is attempting to be reborn into the fabric of reality to live once again. 

The First Campaign Release for The Genesys Project
The Ruins of Tor-Qi Campaign for the 1st Age is looking like it will be released early next week as a digital download. This is the first campaign release for the game and brings with it a series of Campaign Rules that will expand your game and take it to new levels.

It will be available at

Coming Soon to the Genesys Project

New Campaign Rules

The new rules bring into play Non-Player Factions (NPFs) with rules on how they interact with the gameplay and players. These rules expand into not only 1 Player Games, but bringing in rules for 3 and 4 Player Games as well in a semi-cooperative/competitive format. 

Boss Encounters X: Boss Encounters are finale encounters with a foe that is meant to be able to take on all the players on the tabletop in a familiar wargame format. These finale encounters are meant to be tough and challenging with a whole new level of gameplay with multiple activation's through out the Game Round. Models with this rule cannot be exhausted and thus are able to take on your heroes, warriors, and quite possibly your whole army in some instances. 

Those familiar with The Genesys Project will know that the X is a variable number for abilities. Boss Encounters 2 for instance allows for the models with this rule to activate twice within a single Game Round. Unfortunately for players in this campaign........ Boss Encounter X can be enhanced depending upon the actions of the players during the scenarios of the campaign. So failure is not an option.

Playing the Campaign
Inside are campaign rules to play through the rebirth of the Greater Demon Belith. Every battle played gives you and the Demonic forces within the opportunity to gain Resource Points.

Resource points can be spent to during the campaign to bring additional forces to the table to take on challenging missions, or held to convert into Progression points at the campaign's end.

For the Demons, Resource points and other rewards grant additional abilities to the Demonic Rituals bringing Belith back to life along with additional forces in the grand finale. Every battle (five scenarios), raises the stakes higher towards the final encounter. Each battle is vital for the players to succeed in this campaign.

Multiplayer Games
New Campaign Rules bring you rules for 1, 3 and 4 player games as well as details on the use of Non-Player Factions, Heroic Play, Dense Terrain, Boss Encounters.and more.

The Ruins of Tor-Qi are extremely challenging and will take all your guile, tactics, and a little luck when you need it the most. Failure of a mission is always possible and casualties are inevitable, as these campaigns are not to be taken lightly.

Designed with a Cooperative/ Competitive game play in mind for up to 4 players over the course of a couple gatherings (or one fun weekend of gaming). Players may band together and or clash when needed to gain the spoils of the Ruins and defeat a Greater Demon of Death that is about to be risen and Reborn.
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