Vehicles are always to me one of the defining issues of an edition. I love vehicles and my collection shows it.... Ya know 12 Chimeras, 10+ Rhinos, 6 Basilisks, and the list goes on and on. Not to mention I love Dreadnoughts and have been so dismayed at their uses in some previous editions.

So what about 9th Edition? What is going on with Vehicles? Did we mention that this is also about Monster Units?

Lets check in and see.

Tanks in 9th Edition Warhammer 40k 
via the Warhammer Community
 Here is the new rule for Tanks and Monster Units- Big Guns Never Tire

That’s right – Vehicles and Monsters of every description are about to become a whole lot more menacing in the new edition, as they’ll be able to deal with the pesky attention of enemies within Engagement Range (that’s 1″ to you and me) by shooting them to pieces point-blank!

check back with us tomorrow where we’ll be revealing exactly what Blast weapons are and what they do in the new edition.**

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