What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com

I’ve been reading your blog for years and thought it was about time I contributed.
Recently I bought, converted and painted two Helverins to add to my renegade household: House Devine. The traitor house features in the Horus Heresy novel ‘Vengeful Spirit’ (which I recommend) and since reading about them (and with the release of the Renegade box set first time round) I began building them for the battlefield.

I used soldering iron and pliers to warp the plastic for the damage and have many chaotic conversions to make them all unique. The pilot turning into a spawn, spikes growing from the armour, tongues appearing from nowhere and a double-edged reaper chainsword amongst other details were fun to do, and I plan on extending my house in the future with some forge world knights.


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