The latest news for The 9th Age

The developer of Universal Battle is currently working on version 2.0. If you don't know UB: it's a browser program with which you can play tabletop wargames with opponents all over the world and the developer is now part of the 9th Age staff.

Here is the official announcement:

The developer of Universal Battle, @Lorenzo, is still looking for people who can assist him with the development of Universal Battle 2.0. He is looking especially for people with artistic skill and experience with any kind of graphics software (e.g. Photoshop), to update the art of Universal Battle, including the unit models and effects. Also take a look at the respective thread: Universal Battle - Volunteers needed

Universal Battle is a software which allows you to play your 9th Age game on a browser with people from all over the world. Now you don't even need models to play 9th Age!

If you are interested in helping out, please send a PM to @Lorenzo. Think about it, because not only do we, as individual players, benefit from a better Universal Battle, but also 9th Age as a whole!

Your T9A team

The official 9th Age T-Shirt that's just around the corner:

This is going to be a free blueprint with which you can just have your own T-Shirt printed (also with different text on the back or no text at all).

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