There has been a barrage of 7th edition information hitting the web, and most of it, if not all has been gone through relatively well. There are few bits of information though that have not been discussed quite as much, and here is a look at those.

Please remember that these are rumors until we get an official release.

via an anonymous source of information on Faeit 212
I picked up the White Dwarf today, and just want to let you know through a cursory run through that most of the meat has already been picked clean from the mag for this week except for a couple minor details such as Unit Coherency is increased to 6" when measured vertically and Split Fire no longer requires a leadership check.
 Something else is that they mention that charging through difficult terrain is -2" not moving through difficult terrain.
*Whoops* Just looking through and there's a rule for Psykers called Battle Focus and if you've chosen all your psychic powers from the same psychic discipline then you get the Primaris power in addition to your other powers. Allowing them to have at least 2 psychic powers.
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