Death Guard rules being shared for their new codex most likely coming in January.

Next up is their Deadly Pathogens ability. These optional upgrades can be applied to a Plague Weapon wielded by one of your Death Guard Characters for a nominal charge in points/Power. Not only does a Deadly Pathogen add 1 to the Strength of the Plague Weapon, but you can also choose one of seven effects to apply to it as well. Get ready to unleash…

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Viscous Death is the perfect choice of Deadly Pathogen for the twin plague spewer wielded by the new Lord of Virulence.

As well as allowing you to re-roll the number of attacks made, Viscous Death will bump up the twin plague spewer’s already brutal profile to Strength 6 too. That means you’ll be wounding anything with Toughness 3 or less on a 2+ and re-rolling any rolls of 1 to wound – that’s some seriously horrible damage output right there!

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We’ll have more on the new Death Guard rules every day this week

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