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Disciples of Tzeentch are going on pre-order this weekend.

Here is what is coming via a preview from the Warhammer Community

Destiny Dice

We’ve all had those moments – the charges where nothing but a 6 will do. Those epic, desperate defences where a 1 means certain death. Destiny Dice let you control fate itself!
Tzeentch armies roll 9 dice at the beginning of the game. You can then use the results of these dice to replace rolls in the heat of battle! With Destiny Dice in hand, you’ll have control over randomness itself, giving you a key tactical advantage.

Locus of Change

Locus of Change is a streamlined ability that brings several Tzeentch Loci under a single, consistent banner. How it works is simple – Tzeentch Daemons wholly within 12” of a friendly Tzeentch Daemon Hero are harder to hit in melee, giving units that are traditionally most effective casting spells or bombarding enemies with warpflame some added (and very welcome) durability.

Hidden Agendas

The followers of Tzeentch are always pursuing strange and inscrutable plots of their own – represented in-game by the new agenda system. Every hero phase, you can announce that you’re attempting to complete one of five agendas. If one of your Tzeentch units completes that agenda, they get a new ability as a reward. Mass Conjuration, for instance, rewards you for casting spells by making it easier to cast more – Tzeentch is, after all, the god of magic!

Fate Points

Tzeentch is empowered by magic. Just as Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, Tzeentch isn’t particularly picky about who’s slinging spells! When you’re playing Tzeentch, every time a spell is cast and not unbound – including those used by your enemies! – you get a Fate Point. These can then be spent immediately on daemonic reinforcements, or accumulated over time to summon something bigger…


There’s more! Tzeentch armies can also now be customised to serve a variety of Change Covens, representing the myriad daemonic hosts and hidden cults that worship the Changer of Ways.
The Eternal Conflagration
The Guild of Summoners
With six cults to choose from, each with their own ability, command ability, command trait and artefact of power, you’ll be able to add more variety to your Tzeentch armies than ever before.

Big Warscroll Changes

The new Battletome also sees some warscroll changes. The most significant of these is to Horrors of ow these units split into Blue Horrors and Brimstone Horrors has been a little bit complex. Now, it’s much simpler.
Every time a Pink Horror is slain, you add two Blue Horrors to the unit. Every time a Blue Horror is slain, you get a base of Brimstone Horrors. Don’t have the models? Don’t worry! You can choose to inflict mortal wounds instead. The cost of Horrors has been upped to compensate for this, but these spell-slinging nesting dolls wreak more arcane havoc than ever before.
Kairic Acolytes, meanwhile, have been tweaked so that their Gestalt Sorcery ability is now a spell, and the unit is a Wizard when it has 9 or more models! 

New warscroll – the Magister on Disc of Tzeentch! Magisters have long been excellent Tzeentch Heroes, offering you a powerful spellcaster for only a handful of points.

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