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New updates to Warhammer Underworlds including two new cards added to the Forsaken List.

via the Warhammer Community

This update adds two cards to the Forsaken list: Keep Them Guessing and Aggressive Defence. Cards on the Forsaken list cannot be included in your decks for events using the Championship or Alliance formats. We put a lot of consideration into which cards should be Forsaken, and our preference is to keep the Forsaken list as short as possible. Cards may be Forsaken when they are having a disproportionate effect on the game and distorting the meta, when they are not working as intended, or when they are proving to be overly complex for players to use.

The update also adds a handful of cards to the Restricted list: the Scrum and Temporary Victory objectives, the Rebound and Transfixing Stare gambits, and the Tome of Vitality upgrade.

 This post is about the new update to the Forsaken and Restricted lists for the Championship and Alliance formats (you can find the update here). 

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