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I had a chance to talk to someone that has the codex in hand, and get into some of the questions about various units. Here is what was learned.

I want to mention first off, that he is Italian, and there is some words that are not directly translated as they will appear in the codex.

Please take these are rumors, as there has been no official release yet. Also please thank the source, for taking the time to answer some questions I had about the codex.

Here is a link to part 2

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
Veteran Squads cost only 60pts, can have one heavy weapon team and two special weapons.
Doctrines are Grenadiers-all carapace armour for 15pts.
Advanced Sentinel with camo and mines for 10
Demolisher have melta bombs and one demolition charge.

Heavy weapon squads can have missile launcher and flakk missles
Bullgryns have a grenade launcher that is 12" S4 AP6 blast
Vehicle equipment includes explosive barrels, so charging enemy takes d6 S4 ap 5 hits.

Weapon Blade of Conquest +1S AP3 melee improved
Emprah Blessom 12" S5 AP4 gun improved accuracy shot

HQ remain similar with 9 orders, 3 are new.
fire at will- the unit can fire at different targets,
go forward for the Emprah- units must run after they've shot.
Barrage fire- all units weapons have the special rule 'inchiodamento'

Commissar can be assigned to every unit in the codex, no real changes at 25pts

Primaris Psykers can three of them also as Enginseer (a tech priest)

Psyker Battle squads no longer have an overseeer, and no longer have weaken resolve or soulstorm. Instead they are psyker brotherhood and can generate powers from biomancy, divination, pryomancy, and telekinesis.

Deathstrike Missile Launcher is very much the same

Chimeras cost 65 points and have not really changed

Manticore cost 10 more and basilisks have no changes.

Hydras can take an enclosed crew compartment

Ministorum Priests at 25pts have zealot and war hymn. after a discipline test before the cac phase the priest can use one of the following hymn.
Emprha protect us-priest and his units re-roll all armor and invulnerability roll failed till the end of the phase.
The strength the priest- have the special rules crusher til the end of the phase
Emprha justice- priest and unit re-roll all failed to wound rolls.

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