We are well into starting the new year at this point and I am curious what new armies reader will be starting and particularly what new games people are interested in starting and looking into.

So the questions....
What new army are you starting?
What new game will be you checking out?

New Army?...
For myself..... I plan on expanding my Dark Eldar. They have been collecting dust and I really would like to start getting them out again. I don't expect anything new for them..... I have really been waiting for Vect to return, but am giving up hope for that to ever happen.

Of course this could change.... if something new is released that catches my eye. Im really growing stale on GW simply catching up codices to 8th edition. Its been a long time mostly just this, and something really exciting like a new faction.....

New Game?...
Gamewise, of course I have been working hardcore on getting the Genesys Project off the ground, and am painting armies for it now. There are 6 armies for the game here in my office, several of which are being painted or converted. So wrapping up the Birth of Genesys- The 1st Age is currently taking a lot of my time. (it's just about done).

Later in the year if Adeptus Titanicus keeps up its releases and decides to expand into Xenos, I will also be jumping into that. Battlefleet Gothic if it decides to come?
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