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I don't know how many of you were like me and listened to 40k Radio all these years ago, but the guys are back.... I remember spending hours listening to them while painting and putting together lists.

There first show is in the bag already and you can check it out on Twitch when you like, but here is their press releases and intro. So catch the next episode live.... so you can chime in.

Good to get these back.

Press Release.....

Spencer Harding and Philip Johnson, pioneers of the early days of 40K Podcasting have once again joined forces and are preparing a comeback to the “Interwebs”. The original founders and Co-Hosts of 40K Radio announced that they would be returning to podcasting with their new show, The 40K Podcast.

Spencer returns after almost 8 years of radio silence after selling 40K Radio in 2010. Philip who left a year earlier went on to host 2 more shows , The Warbanner 2009-2011 and Firebase Delta which ended in 2015.

When, asked about what the show would cover, the Trio replied “Well....40K.. to start with”

When asked why they decided now was the time to return, Philip replied, “There was something missing with today’s entertainment. Nothing was filling the void I felt when listening to current shows, So we drank some adult beverages and we made this thing happen”

“With all the positive changes to the current GW environment, who are now welcoming social media and podcasts, we felt it was time to get back to doing what we loved, talking about 40K in an entertaining, morning radio style, taking live phone calls and giving each other a hard time” states Spencer. “Every time we played a game, held a Google Hangout or talked on the phone, we were basically doing the show anyways, so we decided it was time to start record them again”

The team will be joined by Eldanesh (a.k.a. George W. Miller), who will be occasionally filling the 3rd Chair, Headmaster of the Art Department and filling the role of “All Around Artistic Badass” .

“I think we’re all finally in a position to make this happen in a way we always knew was possible back in 2009.”, says Eldanesh. “The tech we lacked back then – for call-in, remote broadcasting, video & audio production – is much easier in 2018. The old 40K Radio was really ahead of its time back then. We literally converted our homes and hobby spaces to webcast studios, but now things are so much easier. The time is right for The 40K Podcast.”

The first episode of the show goes live on Twitch this Friday August 31st from 9-11 PM EST at

For more information and to stay up to date on progress visit the Show’s Facebook Page or their website
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