What's In Issue #7: Golden d6 Review
Im already a big fan of the Golden d6 Hobby Magazine, and I really enjoyed the tutorial issue #6. So how did issue #7 look? Well, lets take a look inside the magazine.
Link to The Golden D6
This is definitely the article I was looking for this week. The Krautscientist hits it out of the park with part two which is a full 10 pages of the magazine on how to wrap up your pics, and then goes into showing other options on how the picture can modified different ways. Again, this is an article I will be coming back to again and again, especially as I get my new DzC Scourge painted up. This will mean that yes, I will be taking these pictures and you will get a chance to see them here on the site!
While Grimdark Glamour Shots was the primary reason I needed to pick up this issue of the magazine, there was more to come that caught my interest.
X-Wing Hobbyist Guide
XWing the Hobbyist guide was taking the game and bringing back the hobby aspects, including customizing the models and talking about repaints. While I don't play X-Wing, after reading through this it's now a consideration, as I know my son would like it.
Laser Cut Terrain
Digging deeper into the magazine, there is a great article on Laser Cut Terrain, by LOSBlock, and this is a must read if you really interested in creating it, or starting your own business for it.
Terrain and Resin Moulds
The next big article for me digs into that one topic that we all need to deal with.... Terrain, and this issue of the Golden D6 hits it out of the park with two related articles. In fact, the first article is about how to create the terrain, while the second is how to make a resin mould out of it! Great idea, and extremely helpful.
The article is by Terrain By Stefan
Issue #7 has some good highlights for me to keep on file and is an excellent read. Was it as good as the tutorial issue? Id say yes it was, but there was more articles that I will go back to in issue #6 simply because of all of the tutorials. There are additional battle reports and painting tutorials in this edition of The Golden D6, and I did not go through all of them, but for me personally, the hobby related tips were more than enough to make it worth picking up.
Link to The Golden D6