Saturday, January 31, 2015

Games Workshop and the Golden Tickets

The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this giveaway from Games Workshop..... is that they just might be giving the factory over to one of the 5 golden ticket holders. Joking aside, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was my first image and not a bad thing when its replaced by 7' of Citadel Miniatures. (although if given the choice I would prefer the Factory).

Midnight Sorrow- More Hints of Harlequins Coming

Harlequins went up for pre-orders today, and and with it came the new White Dwarf with a hint of what is coming next week. Of course this just could be the codex, but to me it sounds like a new unit for the Murder Clowns. Very cool.

Eternal Crusade Giveaway- Less than 24 Hours to Go

There has been an amazing response to the Eternal Crusade Founder Pack Giveaway. In fact we are well over a hundred entries now, and we are less than 24 hours away from closing the giveaway.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Pre-Orders and Hints of More Kits to Come: Harlequin Video

Wow, does that image from the video look like a potential codex cover or what? Notice the Venom-like vehicles that are most likely the new skyweavers? Very cool. A lot is going on today, including pre-orders for the new Harlequin models, hints of more kits to come, and a release video from Games Workshop. check out the latest.

Flyers Everywhere!

Hey everyone, Reecius here from Frontline Gaming to talk about a trend we've been seeing in the meta: Flyers are back in a big way!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Stats Included With the New Necron Overlord

This looks new, or at least I had not seen it before with the last clampacks I have bought. Stats and modelling instructions? Definitely an interesting twist and the direction that a lot of miniature companies seem to be going.

This pic was sent in by a reader.
Just wanted to give you the heads up, I've managed to get my Necron overload early and inside the clampack are the basic stats! As fa as I know this is the first time this has happened?

Smaug is Back!!! For Another Limited Run

Back with another 500 miniatures available, Smaug is back on the Games Workshop webstore again. Of course I know there are not 500 left.... at least one reader has already picked one up. Its a massive model, that sold out the first time, and $490 it will be interesting to see if they sell out again.

Sevatar: First Captain of the Night Lords- Pre Orders.

Sevatar the first captain of the Night Lords is up for pre-orders today. A huge fan of one of my first 40k armies, any Night Lord release always has my attention. This one is aggressive and violent, and fits right into the images I have of the Night Lords. I particular I love the weapon design of this model.

Eternal Crusade Founder Pack Giveaway and Deadzone Project

There are only a couple days left of the Eternal Crusade Giveaway, and you have until January 31st up until midnight (my time...pst) to enter. There are 5 Found Pack codes that are ready to be handed out and the winners will be announced on February 1st. 

Also new on the Faeit 212 Community News site, is the latest What's On Your Table and a custom Deadzone Project (one of my favorite games over the last so many months)

Underground Hanger Scenery Pack: Dropzone Commander

Underground Scenery Pack from Hawk Wargames is coming out this weekend according their latest newsletter, and I figured it was time to take a first hand look at it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Horus Heresy V: Tempest

The next Horus Heresy book, book V is coming soon. We are looking at an announcement coming most likely the weekend of the Horus Heresy Weekender. Here is what a customer service rep alluded to over the phone recently.

Necron Codex Leaked Images + Harlequins in Color

There is a lot of images out there now from the new Necron Codex to take a look at. From Destroyer Lords, Command Barges, and quite a bit that you will want to check these out before the new codex hits in a couple days.

New Famous Commander Models, Underground Hanger, and a New Preview

There is a lot going on for Dropzone Commander this morning, with the release of their latest newsletter. It revealed some surprises, as well, including new command cards version 1.1, Famous Commanders, and a preview of the new Scourge Command Vehicle. That's quite a bit, and I even forgot to mention the Underground Hanger Scenery Pack that will be released in 3 days.

Lets take a look at the latest from Hawk Wargames.

Battlefleet Gothic and Imperial Knight Projects

Tonight from the Faeit 212 Community News site we get a look at a battle report from an old favorite game of mine, Battlefleet Gothic. Also up tonight is a great project in the works, an Imperial Knight.

Games Workshop Necrons Video

I was a little behind on this video. There is really only one new model they are showcasing here, but if you are a Necron player, its worth taking a look at.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Leaked Images: Necron Codex

There are now also leaked images from the Necron codex floating around the internet, which of course always happens anytime I am away from the desk. So just to keep everyone up to date as much as I can, here are some links to the latest Necron leaks.

Leaked Images Are Finally Out: Harlequins!!!!

It took a bit, and now we can see the leaked images from this weekend's White Dwarf. Of course everything that we had been talking about has been revealed to be right on the money, so take a look at the images, and here is an overview that we have been talking about.

Necron Codex QnA and Harlequin Confirmations

There is a Necron Codex going on, and has been now for some time over on the Tyranid Hive. I have have been very sick all last night and this morning, so I have not had the chance to get in there and wrap all the information into one nice overview. I will after I get back from my appointment this afternoon.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Bits and Pieces: Nightbringer Points, IA8, and More

I am not on top of my game today, and fallen a little sick. However, that does not mean that interesting rumor bits and pieces dont come in. So yes, while I am calling in sick, I am putting together a quick post showing some of the interesting things that have come in that I have not had the time to investigate further, but were on my list to look into today.

Necron Codex Wargear and Artifacts

There are some new Necron items that are hitting the web, and this time they are from an ongoing compilation of information that tastytaste has been putting together. There are unit entries, wargear, and artifacts listed on his compilation that are worth checking out including a lot that was already posted here before.

Please remember that these are rumors and leaked information bits from all over.

Here is a link to his full article.

via TastyTaste on Bok
Tesla: Doesn't work when Snap-Firing
Chronometron: The model and his unit have 5+ invuln. against shooting attacks

Dispersion shield:  Model has 3+ invulnerable., cannot claim Two Weapon bonus

Fabricator Claw Array: During shooting phase, instead of shooting, a model with the claw can repair a single friendly vehicle in base contact. D6 roll: on a 4+, restore a hull point or repair weapon destroyed or immobilized result, effective immediately.

Gloom Prism: Model and all units within 12" have Adamantium Will.

Mindshackle Scarabs:  During a challenge, model with the scarabs causes Fear tests take on 3d6.

Nebuloscope: Grants Ignores Cover

Phase Shifter:  4+ invulnerable save, Vehicles are not granted bonus.

Phylactery:,It Will Not Die, Vehicles get bonus

Shadowloom: +1 cover save

Shield Vanes: 3+ armour save

Artefacts of the Aeons:
Gauntlet of Conflagrator:, Template, S7 AP2, Assault 1, One Use Only

Nightmare Shroud: , 2+ armour save and fear. Once per game can force enemy unit within 18" to take a morale check (Fearless and Know No Fear units are immune)

Orb of Eternity  One use only, Resurrection Orb with +1 to Reanimation Protocols

Solar Staff: 15pts, 12", S5 AP3, Assault 3, Blind, Solar Pulse - Once per game, at the start of any turn, cancel night fighting for the turn. When activated, enemy units can only fire snap shots at the model and its unit until the staff bearer's next turn.

Veil of Darkness:  Deep strike. Once per game, can remove itself and its unit from the table and immediately deep strike somewhere else (even if locked in assault)

Voidreaper:  S+2 AP2, Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbane, Master Crafted, Two Handed

Resurrection Orb: One use only. Re-roll all Reanimation Protocols for one Phase

Quantum Shielding: No Change

This Year 2 Forgeworld Event Only Miniatures

This year Forgeworld is doing two event only miniatures for the Horus Heresy Weekender, and these were revealed today in their bulletin. Last year was a nice model as well, the Imperial Navigator. I think these ones look nice, but it always saddens me that these will only be available to most of us through ebay. That is the crux though of event only miniatures.

The Art of Death: Harlequins Officially Announced in Teaser Video

The Art of Death is the name of the new Harlequin Teaser from Games Workshop. If you had any doubts, they should be gone now, and get ready for some great fun with the new Harlequins!!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Lizardmen, a Double Feature, and Eternal Crusade Giveaway

January 31st is the last day to submit your entry into the Giveaway for 5 Founder's Packs that will be randomly selected on February 1st. 5 chances to win are very good odds, and the last 3-4 days has been quite a number of submissions. I wanted to make sure that readers submitting entries know that I if you sent it in, I have it. Responding to every entry is difficult to say the least.

Necron Codex Rumors

There has been lots of rumors over the last few weeks regarding Necrons, and many of them directed towards leaks from early looks at the White Dwarf. However, I wanted to make a distinct difference in some of the leaks we have lately, because these are direct codex leaks instead of information from White Dwarf, and are very solid. 

Leaked: Next White Dwarf Cover Pic and Harlequin Rumor Compilation

Harlequins really are looking to be a multi-week release, and it will be a ton of fun to see just how far it goes. I have heard someone saying 4 weeks, but I think it was speculation and not based on anything. 2-3 weeks seems very doable right now at this point, and I have already dug out my old metal Harlies.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

More Necron Information Flowing

Here is another set regarding Necron rules and changes in the new codex. These come off of Warseer, where the source showed a brief tiny pic of part of the codex (to prove his information). The only things here is that it was all translated, but should give some good insight to even more Necron insights.

Necrons: The C'tan

Earlier we had the powers of the C'tan. That left lots of questions about many things, like stats, points, powers, of which some are being answered as we get a closer look at the C'tan from the new Necron Codex.

Necrons: The Powers of the C'tan

The Powers of the C'tan have been hotly contested and looked at since it was revealed that the powers are randomly generated on a dice (or drawn from the deck of cards). So this morning we have a look at the powers of the C'tan.

Necron Codex: Stat Changes

Most everyone is concerned and looking right away for any changes to their current models they field. With that our source has provided some of those changes from the new Necron Codex release that will happen next week. This should really help those that are looking to find the biggest changes.

More Necrons: Army Special Rules and Warlord Traits

More Necron information leaks are here, this time looking at Special Rules and Warlord Traits. While Warlord Traits are always hit or miss in my opinion, its worth taking a look at the Reanimation Protocols and Living Metal rules for the new Necron Codex.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Necron Codex: The Decurion Detachment Rules!

The introduction of a new type of Detachment has brought up many questions, and is the first bit of information from the Necron Codex that is due for release next week. This opens up a lot of new options, and of course comes with its own restrictions. The biggest advantage here is that the Decurion Detachment is a Battle-Forged army composition, not unbound.

Deredeo Dreadnought Pre-Orders are Up

The Deredeo Dreadnought has been revealed today for pre-orders on Forgeworld. It has seperate weapons detachments that have to be bought separately, and the experimental rules for the new Dreadnought are already up.

Warhammer Fantasy Models in Development

New Warhammer models are said to be in the works, and this follows a rumor that happened earlier in the week regarding some 40k models as well.

Necron Pre-Orders are Up!

Necrons are up for Pre-Orders right now, which appears at this time to be a one week release. There are many things that we are looking at, like the Decurion Detachments, and anything major that changes with this release. With the exception of a Necron Overlord model, there is not much in the way of new models.

Overlord Stats Revealed by Games Workshop!

I am getting lots of emails on this, and here is the image that everyone is talking about! yes, you have to zoom in close, and you can do that on the GW website relatively well. Here is also what other readers are picking up off of this.

Harlequin Troupe Rules- New Dedicated Transport......

A new vehicle is coming out for Harelquins, the Starweaver. Here we had thought the Venom would be the transport of choice.... Perhaps the new Starweaver dedicated transport is a Venom Variant, or something else entirely. The listing for it puts this as a dedicated transport for Harlequin Troupes.

Of course there is more, lets take a look at the rules for next week's Harlequin Troupes.

Solitaire Rules and Hints of What's to Come

By now you know that he Harlequins are coming next week. The Solitaire release is awesome, and now we have some really cool rules to match. He is fast, has eternal warrior, and looks like he can be deadly in close combat. Definitely on my wish list for models now.

Next Week- Harlequin Troupe and Solitaire!!!! With Hints for Following Week

OK, Its really here, Harlequins. We get to start off with a great release, Harlequin Troupe boxset and Solitaire! check this out!

Necrons and Reviews

The latest news from the Faeit 212 Community is all about Necrons. we start off with a review of the Mephrit Dynasty and move to some very nice looking Necron models for What's On Your Table. Here is the latest.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

More Harlequin Hints for Next Week

Harlequins are very much looking like a next week release. This has been a long time coming, and already I am dusting off a crate full of older Eldar models to find my old Harlequins. Here is another hint that reveals Harlequins are just a short hop, skip, and jump away from being revealed.

Rumors: The Future of Detachments

The latest Decurion Detachment for Necrons that has just been revealed this week, is shedding light on what may very quickly become a way for Games Workshop to specialize armies to fit into a quick narrative. While codex supplements were doing this in a bigger way, with new warlord traits and artifacts, this way of quickly restructuring a codex's forces into specialized detachments, may become a very regular occurrence.

The Powers of the C'tan, and More Leaked Pics

More information is out, and its just a matter of digging it up, or in this case, going back over it (I missed this one the first time I read it). This reveals a little how C'tans powers work, and the leaked iamges below show off the new Necron Overlord model.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Endtimes: Archaon- The Forces

It seems some information is leaking about the forces found in the Endtimes: Archaon. This continues the information leaks that we have had on the next Endtimes book. So bookmark these, because from the looks of it, you will want to re-read these after you read Thanquol this weekend.

Necron Formation Rules: Reclamation Legion

A Reclamation legion is the backbone of the new Decurion Detachment, but also appears it might be a formation on its own as well with its own special rules. Here is the latest Necron information

Leaked Images: The Necrons Awaken

Its a little later than normal, but finally we have some leaked images around the internet showing us the releases and more from this weekend's White Dwarf. This shows use all the releases, and the cover titled The Necrons Awaken.

The Council of Incarnates.... Tyrion Mentioned in the Next Endtimes Book

Yesterday we had several rumors regarding the next Endtimes book, Archaon. Continuing on the same line of rumors, we are now hearing a shocker.... Do not read past this if you dont want to hear the spoiler! Last warning (like anyone is not going to read on).

Amazing Kit Bashing, and Ancient Enemies Clash

Tonight there are a couple really nice articles to check out on the Faeit 212 Community News site. A battle report of Ancient Enemies and an amazing kit bash that you should really check out.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

40k: Some Interesting Rumored Model Releases

These are interesting, and I dont have any more information regarding them at this point, but this rumor points to models for several different armies. Chaos Marines, Chaos, Eldar, Space Marines, and Orks all have something in this bit.

Leaked Necron Formations

Here is some leaked information on new ways of organizing your Necrons according to this weekend's White Dwarf. With the new Codex coming up for Pre-Orders this weekend, this can shed some new light on some of the units and ways you will be fielding your Necrons very soon.

Endtimes Archaon: New Models

A second set of information about the Endtimes: Archaon is coming in, and this time with a few bits of information regarding models, both new and a couple entries that will be using the current models.