Friday, January 30, 2015

Pre-Orders and Hints of More Kits to Come: Harlequin Video

Wow, does that image from the video look like a potential codex cover or what? Notice the Venom-like vehicles that are most likely the new skyweavers? Very cool. A lot is going on today, including pre-orders for the new Harlequin models, hints of more kits to come, and a release video from Games Workshop. check out the latest.

Harlequin Orders are Up
Harlequin Troupe $40
Solitaire $26

Hints of More Plastic Kits to come!
via a reader on Faeit 212
this paragraph from the Harlequin Troupe description on the GW website mentions other kits:

"There is a huge amount of variety for both posing and choosing weapons options and all of the components in this kit are fully interchangeable with the other Harlequin plastic kits."

This implies there are more Harlequin kits on the way (as we know from the rumors). It will be interesting to see what they are.

Harlequin Release Video from Games Workshop