Saturday, January 31, 2015

Eternal Crusade Giveaway- Less than 24 Hours to Go

There has been an amazing response to the Eternal Crusade Founder Pack Giveaway. In fact we are well over a hundred entries now, and we are less than 24 hours away from closing the giveaway.

These are 5 Eternal Crusade Founder Packs, valued at $40 each that was given to us by the design team to be given away on Faeit 212. Miguel was very adament that the readers here got these, and personally I am happy to give them away. The cool thing is with these founder's packs, is that these are literally getting the game for free when it comes out, and getting access to any early access material and modules as they arrive this year.

Here is a link to the full information on the giveaway, and what you need to do to enter if you have not already.