Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Necron Codex QnA and Harlequin Confirmations

There is a Necron Codex going on, and has been now for some time over on the Tyranid Hive. I have have been very sick all last night and this morning, so I have not had the chance to get in there and wrap all the information into one nice overview. I will after I get back from my appointment this afternoon.

However, I did not want anyone to miss out on the information..... So here is the link to the Necron QnA going on. Also thank you to all of you that sent in links to the QnA over the last so many hours I have been not been well.

Once I get back, I have had some confirmations that all the rumors we have had regarding Harlequins are in fact in this weeks White Dwarf. So good news on both Necron and Harlequin fronts.