Friday, December 5, 2014
DzC Advent Calendar Day 5: UCM Praetorian
Its day 5 for the Dropzone Commander advent calendar and today features a UCM Praetorian. The new artwork seems to really be focusing on new infantry images. Could there be something in the works with this?
Remember that there is a caption contest with each image, where the winners are sent a free escape pod that is normally only available at conventions.
via Hawk Wargames
The same as the other days, with each piece of artwork you are invited to enter a caption competition to describe the scene, max 100 words, with the best one from each piece winning our show only model (the escape pod). The winner for Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Day 5, 6 and 7) will all be announced on Monday (day 8), so keep those entries coming until then!
Presenting day five of the Advent Calendar, The UCM Praetorian.