Friday, December 5, 2014
What's On Your Table, Interviews, Rumor Discussion and a Narrative Campaign
A lot is going on in Community News, from Narrative Campaigns, to Interviews and more. Its time to check out the latest from the Community.
Community News Wants You.
Have an event, tournament, battle report, or do you have a kickstarter you'd like to see get a little more exposure. The Community News site is looking for you. Contact Natfka at
What's On Your Table
What's on your table is an opportunity for readers to share what they are working on. Conversions, painting, batreps, even side home brew projects. If you want to Share "What's On Your Table". Please no more than 8 pics, send your project to If for any reason you do not want your name used, please say so.
Narrative Campaign
40k Narrative Campaign Promo: Chaos Incursion of Ichar IV
Hi there! Matt D. here as a first time writer with some big news! Me and my buddy, Rob, are looking to promote a narrative campaign and its rule-set for Warhammer 40k. We've created a free-to-play event that, instead of drawing people in with the promise of prizes, features the stories of their cha…
Mantic Open Day 29/11/14 - Chris Palmer and Luke Watson Interview
Hi folks, Pete Harrison here from Talk Wargaming. Over the weekend I attended the Mantic Games open day in Nottingham and managed to sit down with a Chris Palmer and Luke Watson. We discussed all manner of things related to Mantic such as the Kings of War 2nd Editition, upcoming Deadzone update,
New Blood Angels Rumors!
Brother Zachareus joins us once again to delve into the flurry of info coming out on the latest and greatest Blood Angels. This week, we evaluate some of these rumors and their implications for your Blood Angels army. …
What's On Your Table
WIP Deamon Prince
Up tonight for What's On Your Table is a WIP Daemon Prince. Not many pictures yet, but this is a work in progress. …