Friday, December 5, 2014

Advent Calendar Day 5: Painting Guide and Audio Horus Heresy

Its Day 5 of the GW Advent Calendar for the Games Workshop Digital and the Black Library. A painting guide for bases, and audio story for the Horus Heresy.

Here are the Games Workshop Advent releases today.

This handy hobby guide contains tips on basing your Citadel Miniatures to fit with a variety of locations, from the frigid wastes of an arctic tundra to dense Lustrian undergrowth. There are eight guides in all, giving you plenty of new base styles to try out.

STRATAGEM (MP3) $ 6.99
After returning from Calth and the Underworld War, Sergeant Aeonid Thiel is summoned before his primarch Roboute Guilliman. The fragile peace of Imperium Secundus is threatened by traitor warbands left behind by the Shadow Crusade, and a new order of battle must be written...

One of the great things about the Horus Heresy series is learning about the characters and events that shaped the 41st Millennium, and few heroes are more pivotal than these two: Sergeant Aeonid Thiel and Rouboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines. As well as these iconic heroes, in this audio, we also see the beginnings of what will become one of the most important books in the galaxy.

Now looking at the schedule for the GW Advent Calednar, the 19th lost its question mark today. Here is yesterday's and today's so that you can compare.

Day 5

Day 4