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The XV109 Y'vahra from Forgeworld is now up for pre-orders with it's triple barrelled phased-plasma flamer and EMP discharge cannon. the SV109 is a battlesuit following the Tau XV107 model preivously that should impress Tau players.
Tau XV109 Y'vahra Battlesuit  £72.00

via Forgeworld
Rushed into deployment after the success of the R'varna battlesuit, the XV109 Y'vahra is a Class 10 battlesuit designed for devastating shock assault. To facilitate this role, the Y'vahra is equipped with a triple barrelled phased-plasma flamer capable of vaporising even hardened ceramite, and a massive EMP discharge cannon designed to incapacitate enemy war engines. The complex vectored thruster array incorporated into the Y'vahra's impressive armour allows it to traverse the battlefield in long graceful bounds, slamming into the greatest concentration of the enemy and reaping a heavy toll in lives before jetting away.
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